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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 1088

Victoria had previously tried to commit suicide. Now, she was in a dangerous state of mind, having just fallen out of love. As such, Jordan was afraid that Victoria would have such thoughts again and was very worried about her.

Lauren immediately said, "Okay, I'll definitely help you keep an eye on her and make sure she's fine."

Jordan said, "Thank you for doing this. You're pregnant, but you still have to help me do this. You have to be careful of yourself and the child, okay?"

"Yes, don't worry. I'll be fine."

Mount Denali, Immortal Lake.

Planes with hexagonal symbols landed beside the lake, and Randall and Victoria slowly walked out of the plane.

This place was previously occupied by Shaun's men. However, with Shaun's death, the Rong family was now under the control of Jordan's subordinates and members of the Mutant Tribe. There were no other forces here, so the Mutant Tribe had regained control.

However, Randall didn't know that they were all being secretly monitored by Lauren.

Randall and Victoria walked to the barrier of Immortal Lake. Victoria knew that it wasn't that easy to enter.

Victoria asked, "How... can we enter this place?"

Randall said proudly, "There's an invisible barrier here. Two days ago, Shaun led the elite troops of the Rong family here and used all sorts of firepower, but they couldn't blast open this 'gate'. He even had many of the world's top research teams try to come up with a solution.

"Hehe, even if I let them continue their research here, they probably won't be able to find a way to break the barrier in a year or even 10 years!"

Seeing how proud Randall was, Victoria gazed at him in admiration.

Indeed, there were not many people in the world who could stump Shaun and the Rong family's technology.

Randall said, "Victoria, come with me. I'll teach you how to enter this place."

The pair walked to the barrier. Randall asked Victoria to try entering first.

Victoria took a step forward and immediately encountered a force that stopped her. She retreated.

"No, I can't enter."

Randall said, "This is because you entered too quickly and too forcefully. You have to be very, very slow. Follow my actions, you have to reach out your hand first."

With that, Randall reached out and slowly touched the barrier.

Victoria did the same but she immediately met resistance.

"Why can't I do it? Does this barrier recognize people?"

Randall smiled. "No, anyone can do it. I've already said that you're too fast. Try to use the slowest speed and the lightest force to slowly probe in."

So Victoria held her breath and reached her hand in as slowly as possible.

Indeed, after slowing down, the force exerted by the barrier decreased noticeably.

Victoria said, "So the harder you try to break in, the greater the opposing force. You have to use the lightest strength to not be obstructed."

Randall said, "That's right. Victoria, you're indeed clever. This is also the mystery of my barrier. That fool Shaun couldn't enter, so he wanted to use a more powerful cannonball to blast it open. Little did he know that the more power they used on the barrier, the harder it is to succeed."

Victoria praised Randall. "You're so smart. You actually thought of such a method to stop those bad people."

Victoria continued to probe forward slowly.

Soon, Victoria felt a force pulling her from another part of the barrier.


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