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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 1174

Nick sighed and stood up. He looked into the distance as if he was recalling something. A sad expression appeared on his face.

After pausing for a moment, Nick spoke again. "Do you still remember the first time you used your family's Time Gate to return to the past to find Ban burning? At that time, your father was also in the western China secret base. He saw you.

"At that time, your father had a premonition that something would happen to the Rong family in the future. He also had a premonition of danger. Therefore, he hid me and a portion of the core team just so that if anything happens to him, we can assist you.

"At that time, I also asked him if something had really happened to him, could I return to the past through the Time Gate and change everything to revive him. But your father shook his head and asked me not to do that. He personally participated in the development of the Time Gate. He knows best what a time machine can do.

"What should have happened has already happened. Shaun killed your father and swapped minds with him. No matter how you return to the past, you can't change this fact."

Rong Bingshao sighed. "That's right. I know I don't have the ability to save my father and grandfather. They don't have the ability to stop themselves from dying, let alone me.

"Actually, I don't want to use the Time Gate to return to the past. I don't want to revive someone who died. The helper I'm looking for must still be alive now. It's just that I don't know where to find her. I can only return to the past to find her."

Nick was stunned. "Master Kong, who are you referring to? Deity Jordan is already so powerful. In the entire world, I'm afraid only his uncle, Randall, can defeat him. The helper you're looking for has to reach Randall or Victoria's level."

Rong Bingshao laughed as he got up from the bed. "Haha, what's so good about Randall and Victoria? They're not even worthy of cleaning her shoes! Nick, you've seen the helper I want. She's the female guardian of the Immortal Lake!"

Nick was shocked. "Ah! You mean the flying woman we met at the Immortal Lake in the past?"

Rong Bingshao nodded. "That's right, it's her! She has always been guarding the Immortal Lake. She must be the owner of the Immortal Lake! Moreover, her ability is definitely not inferior to Jordan's! Jordan is gold-level, but she is at least gold-level too!

"That b*stard Jordan can make things now, but his body can't fly like a bird. This beautiful woman can! I firmly believe that the female guardian of the Immortal Lake will definitely help us kill Jordan!"

Nick could tell that Rong Bingshao had been infatuated with that ethereal woman since the last time he saw her at the Immortal Lake.

It was no wonder. Rong Bingshao was not even 20 years old. He was at the age where he would be attracted to women, especially the woman at the Immortal Lake. She was indeed stunningly beautiful, like a goddess.

However, Nick reminded him. "I definitely believe that the female guardian of the Immortal Lake is stronger than Randall and Victoria, or even Jordan! But it's precisely because she's too powerful, too mysterious, too unfathomable and too dangerous. Isn't it too risky for us to go to her for help? Moreover, she might not help us."

Rong Bingshao said confidently, "She will definitely help me! After all, didn't she allow me to enter the Immortal Lake to obtain my ability? She has been guarding the Immortal Lake. If just anyone wanted to enter, they would definitely not be allowed to. However, she let me in and I even obtained the speed of lightning. This proves that she is friendly to me and likes me!"

Nick also thought about it again. When that woman saw them go to the Immortal Lake that day, she immediately flew away.

With her ability, she could have stopped Rong Bingshao and prevented him from entering. Or she could have secretly ambushed him after he entered.

However, that woman did not do so. From this, it could be seen that the female guardian was indeed friendly toward Rong Bingshao.

Nick said, "The Rong family has ruled the world for many years. Perhaps the female guardian of the Immortal Lake has also received our favor!"

Rong Bingshao was delighted. "Haha, Nick, you're right! That must be it! There's no time to lose. Let's go to Malta immediately. I want to find the female guardian of the Immortal Lake!"


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