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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 194

Cayden said with a look of disdain, "Handsome? My foot. He's already so old. Even when he was younger, he wasn't considered handsome either!"

In Cayden's opinion, Russell's looks were rather average, and he was being nice enough by not calling him ugly.

Cayden couldn't understand why Hailey would praise Russell for his handsomeness.

Hailey retorted, "What do you know? A man's suaveness is not only based on his looks. Look at Uncle Russell's imposing aura and the domineering way he's taking control of the situation at the dining table. He's so charming!"

When Hailey looked over just now, she didn't think that Russell carried the charm of a mature and domineering man.

After hearing Cayden's introduction of Russell, she suddenly felt that he had lots of positive attributes.

Many women tend to find rich and powerful men exceptionally charming and attractive even though they are average-looking or ugly.

The yacht was moving slowly, and soon, Hailey could no longer see Jordan and the others from the spot she was standing at.

Hailey put down the binoculars and secretly thought, 'Poor Jordan, he's going to be humiliated by Russell today. I wonder if he'll break up with Victoria when he returns tonight.'

'If he breaks up with Victoria, I can tell him not to leave

New York City. Well, Cayden goes out early and comes home late at night every day. It's not a bad idea to look for Jordan whenever I'm bored.'

Hailey began to develop the idea of using Jordan as a backup lover again.

On the yacht.

The trio was now chatting and laughing. Things were no longer as awkward as they were when they first met.

While cutting his steak, Russell pretended to ask casually, "Jordan, you're so young. I would have thought that you're still a student if I didn't know you."

"By the way, which college did you go to?"


In fact, Jordan had attended several other universities, and he majored in a different subject at each one. He studied business administration at Stanford, music at Berkeley, and design at ESMOD.

He was taught by the best teachers at the top universities in the world.

However, since Russell was a businessman, Jordan said that he attended university at Stanford.

Russell was stunned. "Oh, my daughter went to the same school as you. But since you graduated from a prestigious university, why did you end up being a courier delivery man?"

"There may be university graduates everywhere in New York, and finding a job here may be tough, but Stanford is quite a competitive university."

Jordan answered truthfully, "I've only studied there before, but I didn't graduate with a degree."

Unlike other students, Jordan had no time to waste, given his mode of education.

In fact, he even skipped the admission procedure and went straight to class. He would leave school immediately after class too.

A degree from Stanford University was just a piece of scrap paper with no prestige to speak of in the eyes of the Steeles.

"You didn't graduate?"

Russell chuckled and said, "You should go back to school then! It's hard for you to make a living without a degree these days. You're still so young. If you continue to get a graduate degree and then a doctorate, you will surely lead a very stable life in the future."

"If you do, Victoria will feel safe about dating you."

Victoria was now 30 years old, and if Jordan left to pursue an education now, she would be almost 40 years old by the time he returned!

'Can she afford to wait?'

'A normal woman would have married someone before she grows too old!'

Russell looked like he was making considerations for his own good, but he harbored lots of scheming thoughts.

Jordan smiled and said, "We're leading a very stable life now."

Russell smiled and asked, "Are you? You earn only a couple of thousands of dollars a month. You probably can't even afford to get Victoria some branded lipsticks,


Victoria took the initiative to speak. "I don't need him to buy me any lipstick."


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