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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 558

Looking at his two beauties whose faces were flushed, Jordan's heart skipped a beat. He felt very happy.

It was no wonder that people with money and power had several women. In ancient times, the emperor had multiple wives. This was a good thing for both men and women.

For the man, he could have multiple women at the same time. For the woman, she could choose a rich, married man instead of a single man without status or money.

This was the current social phenomenon.

Of course, Jordan, Lauren and Victoria's situation was different. None of them valued money or status. They chose to be together because they really couldn't do without each other.

For the moment, Jordan parted ways with his two women. He took a taxi to the Sunrise Automobile Company.

The entrance to the building was open and there were many luxury cars inside. There were Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Aston Martins, etc. Inside, a group of young men and women in their 20s were chatting in front of Jordan's Porsche 888.

"I say, Harry, why haven't you been going to school recently? What are you busy with? Don't tell me you spend all your time playing with cars?"

"Sigh, I've been busy with official business recently." "What official business can you have? Cars and your girlfriend. These are the only two things that keep you busy. Eh, right, why do you suddenly want a photo of my mother when she was young? If you dare to get any ideas about her, I'll destroy your car business."

"F*ck, what are you talking about? Buddy, you're so handsome. I was just curious and wanted to admire what Auntie looked like when she was young. Can't I? I only like 18-year-old girls. I already find those above 23 old too old!"

A group of young men and women were talking loudly.

Jordan walked in slowly as he listened to their conversation. Due to his light footsteps and their noisy ruckus, no one noticed Jordan's arrival.

Jordan felt exasperated. He took the initiative to call out to the young man sitting in his car, "Hey."

Everyone turned around and saw Jordan.

"Who are you?" A boy in fashionable hip-hop clothes asked arrogantly.

Jordan always felt that he was a young man. However, looking at this bunch of youths, he suddenly felt very old.

At least when compared to them.

Jordan said, "I'm here to get my car."

The young man asked in confusion, "Did you bring your car here for modification? Are you sure? Why don't I remember you? Which car is yours?"

Jordan answered, "The one you're sitting in."

The young man smiled. He got out of the car and sized up Jordan. "Oh, you're that son-in-law from the Howard family, Jordan. I heard from my mother that your family is quite famous in England. They seem to be related to the royal family. Why did you only get a Porsche 911 for your wife? You're too stingy, bro."

Another boy beside him also smiled and said, "Harry, I was wondering why there was such a cheap car here. Sports cars worth less than a million dollars are usually not allowed inside your place."

"So, it's the car of this son-in-law who stays in his wife's home. Some men are just so stingy!"

There was also a girl who was quite good-looking. She was slender and wore suspenders, but her arms were covered in tattoos.

Her slender arms were densely covered.


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