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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 573

"Ah... aah... huff... huff... aahhh..."

The tied-up South Korean's face instantly turned two shades redder, and he gasped loudly. He was already drooling and spewing out saliva helplessly.

"Water, give me water. Aah, it's so spicy. Hurry up and give me water!"

The South Korean was in so much agony that he fell off his chair to the ground. He continued to struggle and writhe on the ground.

The scene made Harry overjoyed. "Haha, Jordan, the drug you gave him is working. His pill has been neutralized!"

Jordan looked at him writhing on the ground and walked forward. He asked, "Didn't you want to show us the greatness of the Park family? A mere bottle of chili sauce is enough to make you roll around on the ground. Isn't that too weak?"

The South Korean grabbed Jordan's pants. "Give me water. Ah, damn it. How did you neutralize the Park family's medicine? How did you do it? Who are you?!"

This South Korean man knew the Park family's strength very well. He knew that their medicine was decades ahead of the world. Not just anyone could neutralize it. At that moment, he realized that Jordan was not an ordinary person!

Jordan said, "Tell me immediately what Park Chan-young is up to!"

The man kept gasping. He did have some backbone.

"How are you worthy to know about the Park family?’"

Jordan took out a dagger quickly and stabbed the man's thigh!


The South Korean cried out in pain as blood flowed from his thigh!

Jordan said, "If you don't tell me, I'll stab you slowly to death. I promise I'll stab you 100 times before you die! If you have the stamina to withstand a hundred stabs, you don't have to say anything. Otherwise, I advise you to tell me as soon as possible!"

With that, Jordan stabbed the man a second time before he had a chance to respond!


The South Korean cried out in pain again.

Harry, who was standing aside, was also shocked by Jordan's determination and boldness.

The South Korean knew that Jordan was not joking with him. He was facing a ruthless person now. Therefore, just as Jordan was about to stab him a third time, he immediately gave in. "I'll tell you! I'll tell you! I'll tell you everything!"


Jordan scoffed. He had already guessed that this person was not a tough nut to crack. He knew the moment he showed his vicious side, the man would definitely yield!

Putting away his dagger, Jordan started his interrogation. "Tell me, why is Park Chan-young looking for middle-aged women? Why isn't he looking for 17 or

18-year-old girls instead?"

Jordan just could not understand this. No matter how well-maintained a middle-aged woman was, she was still old. Which man wouldn't prefer younger girls instead?

The South Korean answered, "My boss thinks that 17 or 18-year-old girls are too young and inexperienced. She wouldn't know how to please a man. A woman in her 40s is mature, experienced and open to anything. My boss likes such women."

Harry piped up. "Jordan, he's not telling the truth. He just said that his boss doesn't like old women with wrinkled faces. He likes smooth, young faces."


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