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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 696

Many people did not understand why Jordan was taking a nap at a time like this.

Anyone could tell that Jordan cared about his grandfather. It was impossible that he did not care about his grandfather's condition! The reason Jordan chose to take a nap now was not because he was heartless, but because he wanted to save his grandfather!

"If I were a Deity..."

Jordan thought as he walked towards his bedroom.

"If I were a Deity, I would be able to predict the future in my dreams. Those doctors are helpless against my grandfather's condition, but I can predict the outcome of the treatment from my dreams!"

Jordan wanted to sleep because he wanted to dream of a solution to save his grandfather!

After all, Jordan was not a professional doctor. This was the only thing he could do now to save his grandfather. In his current mood, it was impossible for him to fall asleep naturally. Hence, he took a few sleeping pills and forced himself to sleep.

In his dreams.

Jordan saw his grandfather, Charleston, lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed. His left hand was dangling out of the bed.

Jordan, Jesse, Jamie, their father Rowan, and their mother and sisters were all beside Charleston.

Everyone from the Steele family was present.

Everyone was crying!

Charleston was dead!

"No, no, no! Grandpa! Grandpa!"

Jordan shouted in his sleep.

At this moment, Hailey happened to pass by Jordan's bedroom with a bowl of soup. She was shocked to hear Jordan shouting. She immediately pushed open the door and found him lying on the bed, talking in his sleep.

"Ah, what's wrong with Jordan?"

Hailey hurriedly put down the soup bowl and walked over. She sat by the bed and gently patted Jordan. "Jordan, how are you? Are you having a nightmare?"

Hailey realized that not only was Jordan shouting, tears were already flowing from his eyes.

"Jordan, wake up!"

Hailey shook Jordan harder, wanting to wake him up. She finally managed to wake Jordan up. He sat up, but his eyes were still filled with tears.

"Jordan, what's wrong? What did you dream of? I've never seen you like this before. Don't scare me. I'm so worried about you..."

At this moment, Jordan was extremely fragile. He desperately needed someone to care for him and embrace him. He did not see clearly who the woman comforting him was. He instinctively hugged her.

"I dreamed that Grandpa died. Grandpa died..."

Jordan hugged Hailey and started sobbing.

Hailey was stunned. She was not surprised by what Jordan had dreamed of, but... that he was hugging her! It had been a long time since Jordan had hugged her!

'What a nostalgic feeling! Jordan, I love you!'

Hailey hugged Jordan back tightly, enjoying this moment. She comforted him, "It's alright, darling. That was just a dream. Your grandfather is still fine!"

Jordan thought that he was hugging Lauren or Victoria, and he said desperately, "Honey, will my grandfather really be fine?"

Hailey nodded. "Yes, Hubby. Your grandfather will definitely be fine!"

Hailey smiled as she hugged Jordan.

At this moment, Victoria and Lauren had come over because they were worried about Jordan.

The moment they entered the room, they saw Jordan and Hailey hugging each other!

The two of them were stunned!

"Hubby, why are you..."


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