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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 744

Jordan, Professor Liam and the others discussed and studied for more than 10 hours in the makeshift research room. Finally, they realized that the third plan proposed by Professor Liam was worth a try.

Professor Liam said, "Master, thank you for giving us the specific direction. Now that we have the right direction, we will be able to achieve twice the results with half the effort. However, after the new serum is developed, we will still need a large number of people to test on. After all, no one can be sure that the serum will really succeed. Even if you can predict the future, we can't let you be the first to take the risk. Let us test it on ourselves first."

Jordan nodded, knowing that safety came first.

"The 100 people we have here are all elites of the elites. I cannot let any of you take the risk. Do whatever is necessary until it's time for human experimentation. I'll arrange for someone for you to test on."

Professor Liam said, "According to the information Dragon has provided, all the Miyamoto family's experiment subjects died. None of them survived. Of course, we will succeed in the end, but I am not too optimistic for the first 20 people who will be our test subjects."

What Professor Liam meant was that the first 20 people injected would all die. Therefore, it would be best if the human subjects they recruited were not their own people but people who deserved to die.

Jordan thought for a moment and suddenly thought of

Lionel from the Black Ops Team. He called him.

Jordan asked Lionel, "Hello Lionel, this is Jordan. The Steele family's situation is not in a good shape. I can't provide military and technological help to the country for the time being. But I wonder if you will still listen to what I'm saying now?"

Lionel said, "Of course! The nation believes in you. I've already heard about what happened to the Steeles. We believe that you will definitely make a comeback and regain the power of the Steele family! In the US, you still have a high status and privileges. You are still my superior and can give me any orders!"

Jordan said, "Alright, then I won't waste any time. Now, I have a research project that needs some people to do experiments on. Can you find me some death row prisoners from prison? You know that I don't want to kill the innocent."

Lionel replied, "No problem! When do you want them? How many do you need?"

Jordan said, "Prepare 50 first. Send them to Orlando within the next 10 days when you have time."

Lionel agreed. "Yes, sir!"

After hanging up the phone, Professor Liam grinned at Jordan. "Master, you can actually order Lionel from the Black Ops Team? They are an impressive organization. Everyone in Orlando has to bow down to Lionel."

Jordan said, "I have a close relationship with the US. In the future, I will have to share parts of our research with the country."

Professor Liam smiled and nodded. "Master, you've been working hard for more than 10 hours and use a lot of your mental strength to predict the future. It's time to rest. We don't need your prediction ability for the time being. I'll look for you when we need it again."

Hearing this, Jordan nodded. He went to his room to sleep for a while, but he woke up again in less than 10 minutes.

Perhaps it was because Jordan was now a Deity. Once he fell asleep, his dreams would be filled with predictions of the future, causing him to not dare to sleep casually now.

Hence, Jordan left the factory and ventured to the nearest small town.

It was Friday afternoon and some people were milling about the main street. There was a bookstore here. It was a newly-opened specialty bookstore that sold Japanese novels.

Half of the bookstore was taken up by a Starbucks coffee shop, and there were no English books at all. If one only knew English, they would only be able to look at the pictures and not understand anything.


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