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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 780

In order to help Jordan resolve this matter quickly, Shaun had no choice but to go to Orlando with him. Shaun arranged for Jordan to take his private plane and rush to Orlando.

Not long after the plane took off, Jordan received another voice message from Hailey.

"Hubby, our bulletproof glass was shattered. The gas has come into our house and our baby has fainted. Sobs... I'm feeling dizzy too. Hubby, save us, save us..."

Jordan immediately shouted. "Speed up! Speed up! Hurry to Orlando as fast as possible!"

Jordan felt very anxious when he heard that his son had fainted. That was his flesh and blood! He was still so young, but he was already infected with poisonous gas. How could such a tiny, weak physique withstand it?!

"Hailey, that idiot! Can't she put a gas mask on a child at a time like this?! Ah, what should we do?!"

Jordan was burning with anxiety. It would take at least half an hour to fly to Orlando. By the time Jordan arrived, the child would probably be dead!

Shaun had also heard the voice message and knew that Hailey and her son had been poisoned and were in danger.

"Jordan, even if we rush over as quickly as possible, it will probably be too late. This is not an ordinary poisonous gas. It must be a gas secretly developed by one of the great families. Without the top doctors from a secret family, no one would be able to save them."

Jordan retorted, "I know! I don't need you to tell me all that!" He was furious with Shaun. If he hadn't been dragged to do some research, he might have been able to resolve this matter immediately in Orlando.

Shaun said, "Jordan, you don't have to be too anxious. My men have been protecting your family in Orlando. I can send someone to release a special gas now. This gas can instantly offset any poisonous gas."

"Gas? What kind of special gas?" Jordan asked.

Shaun thought for a moment before saying, "Have you been to Switzerland? The romantic room I specially designed for Lota?"

Jordan said, "That room? I've been there before. The gas inside is an aphrodisiac. No matter how frigid a man or woman is, they will still have relations while in there! You devil, you designed such a shameless room because you wanted to bring Lota in there with you when she turned 18!"

Shaun shrugged. "Now is not the time to scold me. Deity Jordan, I especially developed the gas in that room. This gas can offset any toxicity. As long as I order someone to release this gas in your neighborhood, I guarantee that your wife and child will be fine."

"Are you sure?" Jordan did not expect such a despicable gas to have such an effect.

Shaun replied, "You're a Deity. You can predict if what I said is true."

Jordan said, "Of course I will, I won't play around when it comes to my son's life!"

Jordan closed his eyes and waited for a vision. All sorts of R-rated noises instantly sounded in his ears.

The entire New City residential estate seemed to have become a brothel. Even the dogs by the roadside were in heat. Of course, Jordan also saw that his son was safe and sound.

Therefore, Jordan said to Shaun, "Call your men."

Shaun smiled and immediately made a call to instruct his subordinates to release the gas in the New City residential estate.

After the call, Shaun stood up and urged the pilot, "Speed up, speed up! Ms. Hailey will also be affected by the gas. If we're late and a bad man approaches her, the consequences will be unimaginable, do you know that?!"

Jordan could tell that there was a hidden insult in Shaun's words. He was making a jibe at Hailey's character. As a result, Jordan was rather annoyed. 'Damn this Shaun.'

When Shaun saw Jordan frowning at him, he hurriedly brought a cup of tea over. "Hahaha, I was just joking. Don't be angry, Deity Jordan. Come, have some tea."



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