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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 795

According to Jamie's investigation into the Addington family during this period of time, he was certain that their secrets were on this warship.

This was because John would come here from time to time. Sometimes, he would even carry out a large-scale clearing operation. No human or plane was allowed to approach within a few hundred kilometers of the surrounding waters’

It had not been easy for Jamie to set up this plan. Today, he had found the best opportunity to subdue John.

As for sneaking into the warship while John was away, that was impossible. The security of the Addington family's warship was top-notch among the eight secret families.

Without John's authorization, even a fly couldn't sneak in!

John stared fiercely at Jamie. He had always looked down on Charleston and never imagined the day when the latter's grandson was able to successfully capture him.

John said, "It's my own fault for focusing all my energy on capturing Jordan recently. I forgot that the Steele family also has a little troublemaker like you. If Jordan hadn't caused such a huge uproar, you would have died long ago."

Previously, the secret families had discussed killing Jamie. With the abilities of the secret families, if they were serious about doing it, Jamie would have been discovered by now.

Jamie smiled. "I don't deny that I have an outstanding younger brother. When I heard that he killed Park Sang-jun and Miyamoto Chujiro, I was overjoyed. This is the consequence of offending the Steeles! Alright, enough nonsense. Bring me to your warship immediately!"

John had no choice but to bring him up.

After boarding the warship, there was another checkpoint. One had to undergo a physical and facial scan to enter.

"Ding! Unauthorized users detected. Do you want to kill all of them?" An electronic system voice inquired.

Jamie was a little nervous. Fortunately, John was here. Otherwise, he would have been killed!

John was in Jamie's hands now. He had no choice but to say, "No."

The system continued to ask, "Do you want to give these personnel temporary or permanent authorization?"

John said, "Give them temporary authorization."

Jamie immediately pointed his gun at John. "Hey, what do you mean by only giving us temporary authorization? I want permanent authorization. We all want permanent authorization!"

John was furious, but he had no choice. "Give them permanent authorization!"

The system: "Permanent authorization has been successfully granted. Everyone can enter safely."

Only then did Jamie and his men dare to enter.

After entering, Jamie immediately brought John to the top level of the warship.

This was because, during his observation of the Addingtons during this period, he realized that there was a very secret area at the top level of the warship. It was sealed off and could not be seen from the outside.

Jamie wanted to know what was inside.

As they gradually approached, it was obvious that John was getting increasingly nervous.

"What's in there, John? It's a weapon, isn't it? Why lock it up for fear of being seen?" Jamie asked directly.

John hesitated for a moment before answering. "It's perfectly normal for warships to be armed. Why are you asking me such a stupid question?"

Jamie chuckled. "It is indeed normal to have weapons on a warship, but it's not normal for you to be so afraid of it being seen by outsiders. Open it. I want to see what weapon is inside!"

John didn't comply. "Jamie, I was indeed a little cold to your family previously. However, I'm not like the Park and Miyamoto families, who were ruthless to the Steeles. There's no need for us to..."


Jamie punched him again. "Don't talk nonsense with me! Do whatever I tell you to do! Open it!"


Jamie shot John in the leg when he hesitated.


John screamed in pain.


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