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My Wife is a Hacker (Nicole Riddle and Jared) novel Chapter 27

Snow was embarrassed but could only hold out her hand to Jared. 

“Hello Mr. Johnston, I am Snow, Nicole’s cousin. Nice to meet you.”

She smiled and fiddled with her hair, trying to impress Jared. No boy at school could resist her suggestive teasing, and she thought Jared was no exception. But Jared just nodded casually. 

“Nice to meet you.” Snow and Raine tried their entire bag of tricks to impress Jared but hit a wall when Jared snubbed them.

Norah immediately snapped back and wanted to smash down Nicole. 

“We are sorry for the blunder. We were just discussing the coffee beans, and Nicole was just spitballing. Hope you don’t mind if she is wrong.” Norah looked graceful. The way she pretended to speak for Nicole could not be b*tchier.

Nicole’s stomach churned, and she almost threw up.

Just then, Jared suddenly said, “Miss Riddle is right, this coffee bean is indeed a product of my Floezen manor, and she is spot on about the roasting method.”

Everyone gasped in surprise. The owner of this café was here, and he could not be lying. They never expected that what Nicole said was correct. Everyone looked at Snow and Raine with disgust, as it turned out that the two girls were just smart alecs.

Jared’s confirmation was a slap in the face for both Snow and Raine. They blushed in humiliation and wished the ground would swallow them up.

At this point, Jared did not want to entertain the others anymore. 

“Excuse me. I would like to talk to Miss Riddle in private.”

The invitation from such a charming man immediately aroused everyone’s envy. But it surprised Nicole because Jared was cold to her when they met last time. So why did he suddenly want to talk to her alone? It was at this time that she realized she had a problem. 

The reason she knew this coffee bean so well was that someone gifted the coffee beans to her foster father, who, in turn, gave it to her because she liked coffee. So, could it be that Jared knew about her foster father? Her heart skipped a beat. Did this mean that she was likely to expose her identity? Before she knew it, Jared had brought her into a private lounge as everyone looked on with envy.

After taking a seat, Jared stared at her with a thoughtful look and asked in curiosity.

 “Strange to say, I have never sold the coffee beans produced in my estate in the market, and I have only given it to some relatives and friends. I wonder how you know so much about it?” He had not carefully checked Nicole’s background last time because she was only brought


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