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My Wife is a Hacker (Nicole Riddle and Jared) novel Chapter 43

Previously, it was viral on the internet that the new transfer student, Nicole, was prettier than the current campus queen, Snow, by a hundred-fold. Snow did not show it on her face, but she secretly tore apart a book in her hands. It was already a shame for her to be placed next to Raine for campus queen. Now that Nicole has stepped into the picture, her title of campus queen was in danger! Snow glanced at Jack and noticed that the boys were from Gary’s clique. She dared not to mess with the Finleys. So, she could only put up with everything in silence.

Unless… While Snow thought of something, her eyes gleamed with a satisfactory smile. If that person was present, these people’s mockery would just be a minute thing. Nicole did not bother about others’ comments. She looked at Snow and asked, “Why are you suddenly inviting me for lunch?”

She had witnessed Snow and Raine’s loudmouth. Snow did not seem like one who would simply invite others for a meal.

Snow smiled and replied, “It’s your first day, of course I had to come to see you.” Nicole frowned, “Is that all?”

“Yeah,” smiled Snow.

Nicole was a lot more curious about Snow’s hidden agenda. She simply replied, “Let’s go


She wanted to see what Snow was up to.

All the way to the canteen, Snow had been checking in on Nicole with questions. She wondered if Nicole felt uncomfortable with the place. Nicole gave her short replies. If a stranger saw them, the person might think that Snow treated Nicole really well. But Nicole was not grateful for it.

After all, gossip was Karen and Snow’s favorite thing to do,

Nicole did not want to give her any chance to badmouth her.

But the colder she treated Snow, the graver Snow’s expression became.

Other people thought Nicole was bullying the campus queen.

Many of them took a picture of it angrily and posted it to the campus blog. These pictures were skillfully framed at the best angle. It made Snow seem to be extremely wronged. “Wow! This Nicole is really shameless. Our campus queen was being kind to a country bumpkin like her. It’s fine if she did not appreciate it, but she actually bullied her and made her cry?” “That’s right. No matter how beautiful she is, it’s the personality that matters. How could she

be compared to Snow’s gentleness?” “Sorry to interrupt but it’s going to be the annual campus king and queen competition again. Who will you guys vote for?” “It’ll definitely be for Snow!”


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