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My Wife is a Hacker (Nicole Riddle and Jared) novel Chapter 49

Carl knew that Nicole must’ve been lonely these days. She must’ve missed him a lot.

“I know… That’s why I fought to stay alive. The thing I’m most afraid of is you being sad.”

His voice was filled with adoration and longing.

After the near-death experience this time, Carl finally understood how important Nicole was to him.

Nicole’s nose started to burn, and she took some time to calm herself time.

“Now that you’re fine, I don’t have to worry anymore. Zane will arrange for us to meet when we are safe. There are people after me now, so I can’t really contact you all the time.”

Carl sulked for a second as Nicole did not respond to him, but he knew that Nicole was naive. She did not know that his feelings were different from before. He thought about this and lifted his spirits as he said, “I know I shouldn’t call you now as I will endanger you. But I…” He really missed her; he missed her so bad it hurts.

So did Nicole. She had been longing to hear Carl’s voice.

“It’s alright. I’ll meet you the first thing when everything is stable.” Nicole’s voice made Carl fall silent. He knew that Nicole would not simply make promises. Once she did, she would always keep her words.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you.”

The both of them knew that their call could not be too long, so they just reminded each other to take care before hanging up. Nicole felt extremely relieved when she laid back on her bed. She was always worried about the outcome of this issue, so she could finally have a night of good sleep now.

The next morning, Nicole came back from her morning exercises and went to class with Lulu.

When they walked back to class, she realized that the hardworking students were all whispering among themselves. “Did you hear? Harvey, the hottest boy in school, finally completed the two-weeks long international Physics Olympiad Competition. He’s coming back after a few days!”

“Are you for real?! No wonder I haven’t seen him these days. It’s just because he joined that famous Physics Olympiad Competition.” “Harvey is coming back. My dry school life is coming to an end!” These students were all discussing excitedly, but when they saw Nicole coming in, they strangely went silent.

Nicole just ignored them and walked past them before sitting down at her table, and that was when the noises started to rise again. “Harvey is coming back. If he sees Nicole bullying Snow like this, he will definitely make her



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