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My Wife is a Hacker (Nicole Riddle and Jared) novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Ashley’s expression was in vain. Just by Nicole’s push, she already felt that her spine was smashed into pieces. But the terrifying thing for her was Nicole’s eyes when she stared at her.

It was like Nicole would kill her if she tried to continue fighting! “P*ss off!” Nicole wiped her hands and threw the tissue paper into the trashcan. The girls who got beaten up did not dare to go against Nicole, so they immediately ran over to help Ashley up. “We’ll… leave now.” The girls looked at Nicole with fear and horror.

They were always the bully, so they had never thought that there would be a day when they would show someone such a fearful expression. The girls helped Ashley up and stuck their backs against the wall as they shifted out of Class B. Before they left, Ashley worked up her courage and said something harsh, “Nicole… This isn’t over yet! When Harvey comes back and hears about what you did to Snow, he won’t ever let you slide. Just wait and see!” After she was done speaking, she immediately ran away with her friends. Nicole did not care about their threats at all. She just dusted off the dirt on her table and took out the medical book. She then sat down and continued reading.

The students all returned to their seats with frightened hearts. They did not even dare to breathe loudly.

Even the ferocious Ashley lost to Nicole. ‘We have been talking smack about Nicole for the past few days… Would we be beaten up as well?’

The students in the class were all worried for themselves, so the class got as silent as the grave.


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