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My Wife is a Hacker (Nicole Riddle and Jared) novel Chapter 53

Max motioned for the meeting to be adjourned and took out his phone and glanced at it. Confirming that the message was what Jared needed exactly, he immediately walked out of the conference room and made a phone call. “Mr. Johnston, it is me. Lucifer’s proxy account is online again.”

Jared’s hands clenched the steering wheel as he slammed on the brake. His car came to a stop as the tires screeched loudly in protest. He narrowed his eyes and asked, “Where is the location?”

Max was stunned when he opened the detailed coordinates. “How-how is that possible?”

Jared frowned. “What is wrong?”

“It is in front of the Royal Creek Institute, in your café!”

“What?” Jared was shocked.

He never expected that the person he had been trying to track down was now in his café. He searched high and low, only to find the target was in a place where he least expected. A smile crept up his face with a Hunter-like look in his eyes. He performed a sharp U-turn and drove toward the Royal Creek Institute while issuing a command. “Max, ask the staff to keep an eye on everyone and don’t let anyone leave until I arrive.” Max knew how long his boss had been looking for this target. He immediately did what was told.

Jared looked grave. He drove at the fastest speed possible and arrived in front of the Royal Creek Institute, then he threw the car key to the jockey and strode into his café.


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