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My Wife is a Herbalist Practitioner novel Chapter 9

Kieran’s pupils shrink. He quickly took out the medicine kit and treated her wound with an alcohol-soaked swab. "This is consequence when I say the words for the third time."

Sylvie looked at his hard jaw, "The consequence is domestic violence?"

Kieran helped her with adhesive bandage, and said with a smile, "You know there will be domestic violence, and you still dare to come in?"

Sylvie looked at him, "Mr. Kieran, others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you."

Kieran's slender fingers paused. He looked at her pity face with adhesive bandage on it, "Go out, let me alone."

With that, Kieran helped Sylvie up.

Sylvie stretched out her hands and directly embraced his fine and strong waist.

Kieran’s tall body stiffened at the moment he was carried by the girl. Her body was soft and boneless, and her little face was pressed against his strong chest, like a soft and docile cat clinging to him.

Kieran smelt the pleasant fragrance on her body, which slowly lured his nerves.

At this time, Sylvie whispered in his arms, "Mr. Kieran, don't be alone, let me accompany you."

Kieran’s ferocious blue veins slowly disappeared. He raised his hand and hugged her.

He rubbed his handsome face against her soft hair, and the fragrance on her body made him feel familiar.

Perhaps she had just had strawberry jam, she still smelled a bit of the creamy fruit.

Sylvie quietly held him for a moment, and then her hands move up along his fine and strong waist, stroking on his straight back, "If you still feel uncomfortable, you can bite."

Proper emotional outpouring was essential.

"Bite you? You're not afraid of pain?"

"You wish, I mean..."

Sylvie stood on tiptoe and hit his shoulder.

She bit him so fast and so hard that it was so unsuspecting that blood quickly oozed from his white shirt.

She bit him bloody.

The sudden pain made the muscles of Kieran taut. He took back a few steps. Sylvie’s leg bumped into the edge of the sofa, the next second two people fell into the soft sofa.

"Mrs. Lowe, is this revenge?" Kieran pressed her. The pain let him narrow eyes became clear.

Sylvie raised her eyebrows, "Just now you pushed me, so I bit you."

Sylvie wanted to get up, but Kieran pressed her shoulders.

The posture was ambiguous.

Sylvie looked into his eyes. He stared at her, like staring at a delicious prey.

"Mr. Kieran, what are you doing?"

"You smell good. You didn't tell me what brand of perfume you wear?"

Sylvie smiled and joked, "Mr. Kieran, I said I don't use perfume. You keep pestering this question and I have to suspect that you are trying to hit on me. Do you want to hit on me?"

Kieran had always known that her eyes were beautiful, especially when she was confronting with him. He put his lips on bandage on her forehead, "Is it hurt? I'm sorry..."

A strong and domineering man said sorry to her, Sylvie was surprised.


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