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My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson) novel Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Make It Official

Archie rubbed his eyebrows, feeling sad for this young girl.

After a long pause, he finally gave out a sigh and softened his tone. "Let go of me. I will take you upstairs and you can take some rest there."


She wrapped her arms around his neck even tighter and buried her face in his chest as if she was drowning and his neck was a piece of driftwood that happened to be floating by.

Six years. For the past six years, Shawn had refused to touch her. She used to believe that it was because he respected her and cared for her.

But now, it turned out it was just because he thought she was dull and boring. In his eyes, she just got the body of a woman but was man otherwise. She had been such a fool.

Whenever she thought about it, she felt a stabbing pain over her pride.

As if she wanted to prove something, she put her arms around the man, and kissed his soft lips again.

Unlike the pecking just now, this time, she put his bottom lip in her mouth, gently chewing it and licking it and her thick eyelashes was like a delicate black fan, quivering along with the closing and opening of her eyes, brushing his cheek, and giving him an itchy sensation.

The whole body of Archie stiffened.

The tension of the moment threw him entirely in disarray.

After a long pause, he finally gave up, and held her chin in his hand, his breathing already heavy, "Natalia, do you know what you are doing?"

Natalia let go of his lip, and whimpered for the pain in her chin, staring at him with her wet and accusing eyes, just like a wounded deer.

She said gravely, "I do! I am having sex with you!"

Archie was almost giggled by what she said.

His eyes were dark and his voice terribly low.

"Are you sure!"

She was dazed for a moment but finally she nodded.

"If you say so! Then I'll just satisfy you."

On the second floor of the McCarthy Mansion.

The door of the bedroom was slammed open. He laid her on the bed, and his kisses were like a rain, moving from her head to her toe, while their clothes were scattered all over the floor.

She groaned softly, and felt boiling hot all over her body. Her head was already blank, and she could not even tell whether it was real, or it was just a dream.

The dizzying sound of a man came to her ears, "Now, I will give you one last chance. Do you want to have sex with me or not!"

She nodded her head in a blur.

Archie pulled open the drawer next to the bed, and took out a document.

"Good. Then you need to sign this first."

Natalia looked at it with hazy eyes. "What?"

"I need to make it official. It's the most basic respect a man can have for his favorite woman."

She looked at him blankly and did not quite understand him. But anyway, she was so drunk, so she did not think much and signed the document.

Looking at the neat signature on the paper, he hooked his lips approvingly and put the document back in the drawer. After everything was done, he kissed her lips heavily once again.

And then, all was left in this room was just the humming and groaning that last the entire night.


The next day, Natalia was awakened by the pain.

She felt sore all over her body as if she had been run over by a truck.

After tremendous effort, she made it to sit up on the bed and she felt extremely thirsty.

Seeing a cup of water on the table next to the bed, she picked it up and just gulped it down without thinking much.

The lukewarm water indeed made her feel better. And the fuzzy memory of last night gradually creeped back to her mind.

She rubbed her eyebrows. She could only vaguely remember that she got into a car with a man and did something unusual with him after being provoked by the calls from Shawn and Jessica...

Her heart tightened, and she fiercely lifted the quilt.

Although she was already more or less prepared for it, she felt so shocked when she saw the dense purple love bites all over her body.


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