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Never Late, Never Away (Vivian and Finnick) novel Chapter 3375

Chapter 3375 A Bystander

“I didn’t expect to see you here, Mr. Wilson.” The director stepped forward to greet Jake, visibly tensed.

He didn’t participate in the shooting of the second season. When he heard from the photographer and producer that Megan had appeared with Jake, he regretted letting her participate in the show.

He was afraid of upsetting Jake in any way. Originally, he planned to discontinue the show after season two, but the ratings for the second season far exceeded the first season’s. Not to mention, it had also caused a minor uproar on the internet.

He was currently caught between a hammer and an anvil. On the one hand, he was requested by the investors to continue shooting, and on the other, he was afraid that Jake would have leverage over him and affect his career. Hence, he became anxious the moment he saw the man.

“Don’t mind me. I’m only here to check things out as an investor,” Jake stood beside Megan and stated in a grandiose manner, but none of the people present believed a single word he just uttered.

Despite that, they didn’t dare to openly show it, smiling and nodding in response before boarding the plane together.

A few hours later, everyone finally arrived in Yorksland. Megan did not speak throughout the entire flight as she felt groggy and uncomfortable due to her cold.

Oddly, Jake, who was the source of infection, looked completely fine. He was only weak for one day and returned to being as strong as an ox after that.

Upon exiting the airport gates, there was a bus waiting for everyone. After several more hours, they finally arrived at the final shooting location – a wooden-structured homestay in the suburbs.

The sky was already pitch-dark by then. Stars were scattered across the sky, while a thin veil of clouds seemed to be caressing the moon’s silvery, pale surface.

After settling down in her room, Megan realized that it was already quite late. Sleep called to her, but she knew that it would be impossible to fall asleep on an empty stomach.

Suddenly, her sensitive nose picked up a mouth-watering aroma. Something delicious seemed to be cooking in the open space outside the homestay.

She opened her door to check it out but came face to face with Jonas who looked like he was about to knock on her door instead.

After not seeing each other for so long, an invisible barrier seemed to have formed between them. Megan smiled stiffly and wore a guarded expression. “What is it? Is something wrong?”

Chapter 3375 1

Chapter 3375 2


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