“Alex, your parents were looking for you,” Claire said, turning to address the group with a smile. “Sorry to interrupt, but they wanted to talk to him about something important.”
“Ah, come on, Claire,” Alex said, still grinning, clearly enjoying himself. “We were just having a good time.”
Claire scrunched her nose at the smell of alcohol and took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. She needed to get him out of here before he said something he shouldn’t. She opened her mouth to speak, but one of the guests beat her to it.
“You’re really nice, Claire, you know that?” the guest said, looking impressed. “Even after you two are divorced, you’re still looking out for him.”
Alex looked like he was about to respond, but Claire quickly nudged his ribs, cutting him off. God only knew what he was about to say. “Well, someone has to,” Claire said with a tight smile, slipping her arm through his to steady him. “Excuse us.”
With that, she steered Alex away from the group, moving quickly before he could protest. She spotted an empty table at the back of the room and guided him over, seating him down.
“Hey, what’s the rush?” Alex grumbled, looking up at her with bleary eyes. “I was having fun.”
“You were making a fool of yourself,” Claire said bluntly, crossing her arms as she stood over him. “What’s gotten into you? Since when do you entertain crowds like that?”
Alex shrugged, leaning back in his chair. “Maybe I just felt like letting loose,” he said, his voice slurred.
Claire rolled her eyes. “Well, you’ve let loose enough for one night.”
A sloppy grin plastered across his face.
Claire rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest as she glared down at him. “Well, you've let loose enough for one night,” she said with a sigh, tapping her foot impatiently. “How much have you had to drink, Alex?”
Alex squinted up at her, lifted his fingers as though to count, and then laughed, shaking his head. “Can't remember,” he said, slurring. “Too many, I guess?”
Claire scowled, her irritation rising. “You're impossible,” she spat, looking teetering around the room to make sure no one was witnessing this humiliating spectacle. “Now I've got to explain to your folks why you're blowing off the charity banquet. Just great.”
She was so tempted to leave him there and let him face the music. Why should she care if Alexander made a fool of himself? But then she reminded herself that other than business partners much as she really detested it-he was part of her reputation. Until their business was concluded, she needed to keep up appearances for a professional image.
“Stay here,” she ordered, pointing a finger at him. “Don't move. I have to find your parents and come up with an excuse for you.”
“Roger that,” said Alex, mock saluting her, then chuckling to himself.
Claire spun on her heel, working her way through the crowd, her brain trying to come up with some possible excuses. She smiled as she passed guests, nodding here and there, all until she found Michael talking to a few businessmen that she recognized.
“Michael,” she greeted, forcing a smile onto her lips as she stepped from behind him. “I'm so sorry to be interrupting, but can I speak with you for a moment?”
Michael's head went up and, as he saw Claire, there was a quick spreading smile on his face. “Of course, Claire,” he said, nodding to the men around him. “But first, let me introduce you. Gentlemen, this is Claire, the CEO of Metacortex.”
Claire smiled politely, shaking hands with businessmen. Among them was a tall man with graying hair, Tony, the owner of the largest shopping mall in London.
The readers' comments on the novel: New beginning: Billionaire love story (Claire and Alex)
What's with the loose spelling gotta try n figure out the sentence....