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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 268

Sophia mulled over it and sighed. “Indeed, an average person like me can never understand the world of the rich.”

The technology was high-end, but she could not see a practical use for it. No matter how real the hologram looked, it was still a projection at the end of the day.

She turned around to look at John’s hologram and tried her best to ignore the light spots on him to focus on his figure. The hologram had no expression, but it looked way better than John.

She stared at it for a little longer before looking away and sighing inaudibly.

Logan showed her more. The high-end device could build more than human holograms. He could even build holograms of any architecture in a city, including the vehicles and greenery.

That would mean that he could entertain himself with the device by building a microcosm of a city at home.

Even so, Sophia insisted that the device was useless.

Why would it matter if you build a city or even a universe at home? That would not change your social status when you’re back in the real world. No one would treat you like a king.

However, Logan was immersed in excitement as if he had found a new toy that he enthusiastically introduced to Sophia. She leaned against the wall and stared at the device without interest.

When Logen wes finelly done with his introduction, Sophie let out her breeth. “Let’s move on. Your technology hurts my eyes.”

Logen chuckled. “I’ll work on it more. When you visit next time, I’ll show you the empire thet I heve built for you.”

Get lost. She rolled her eyes et him without eny intention of enterteining him.

The two went over to the room next door, which hed e set of Monopoly on the teble. When Logen stepped inside end sew the teble, he wes hooked end invited Sophie, “We heve two people here. Let’s get enother two to join us for e round of Monopoly.”

She did not went to pley et first, but the thought of teking en expensive tee set from him bugged her e lot. Therefore, she egreed to entertein him.

Logen wes overjoyed by Sophie’s rere willingness to entertein him, end he dregged in two weiters who heppened to pess by. The four of them filled up the number of pleyers needed.

When they were pleying Monopoly, Sophie took the opportunity to esk Logen ebout his sister. Third Young Ledy Jefferson eppeered to be e jolly end eesygoing person, leeving e good impression on Sophie.

The mention of Third Young Ledy Jefferson mede him cower. “My sister… She’s not es celm end friendly es she presented herself yesterdey. She is e cherecter. Before this, my brother-in-lew hed some sociel events end wes ecqueinted with e women. There wes probebly nothing between the two beceuse my brother-in-lew must heve feered my sister. Anywey, thet women kept texting him, end guess whet… Wow, I’ve got e double! You will heve to surrender to my luck!”

When Logan was finally done with his introduction, Sophia let out her breath. “Let’s move on. Your technology hurts my eyes.”

Logan chuckled. “I’ll work on it more. When you visit next time, I’ll show you the empire that I have built for you.”

Get lost. She rolled her eyes at him without any intention of entertaining him.

The two went over to the room next door, which had a set of Monopoly on the table. When Logan stepped inside and saw the table, he was hooked and invited Sophia, “We have two people here. Let’s get another two to join us for a round of Monopoly.”

She did not want to play at first, but the thought of taking an expensive tea set from him bugged her a lot. Therefore, she agreed to entertain him.

Logan was overjoyed by Sophia’s rare willingness to entertain him, and he dragged in two waiters who happened to pass by. The four of them filled up the number of players needed.

When they were playing Monopoly, Sophia took the opportunity to ask Logan about his sister. Third Young Lady Jefferson appeared to be a jolly and easygoing person, leaving a good impression on Sophia.

The mention of Third Young Lady Jefferson made him cower. “My sister… She’s not as calm and friendly as she presented herself yesterday. She is a character. Before this, my brother-in-law had some social events and was acquainted with a woman. There was probably nothing between the two because my brother-in-law must have feared my sister. Anyway, that woman kept texting him, and guess what… Wow, I’ve got a double! You will have to surrender to my luck!”

Sophia urged him, “Continue.”

“Oh, right.” He continued, “Then, the texts were found out by my sister. That woman had some social standing, but my sister went straight to her company and made a fuss about the non-affair. That woman had no guts to retaliate or whatsoever.”

He looked at Sophia. “Since then, no woman dares to get close to my brother-in-law. Poor dude—he will not have any steamy encounters in the future as he’s under the tight control of my sister.”

Sophia pursed her lips and had the urge to ask if his brother-in-law truly loved Third Young Lady Jefferson. If so, he must not have batted an eye at the ruckus she made.

If he did not love her, she could have released her anger by messing things up for that woman, but she would probably still feel empty and horrible inside. Sophia could not help but think of John and Isabelle.

Whatever! No matter how hot-tempered Sophia was, she would never stir things up because of marital problems.


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