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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 274

Indeed, John did not have anything important to discuss, nor could he think of any topic to bring up. Sophia hung up on him without hesitation.

He let out a sigh, paid his bill, and left in his car.

Sophia ended the call with a frown and started to order, after which Ian stole a glance at her phone with an amused look.

Even though Logan had made a fuss about the eatery’s environment, he was most enthusiastic when ordering his food.

After they placed their orders and the waiter was gone, Logan finally paid attention to Sophia. "Who called you just now? John?"

Sophia replied, "Yeah."

Logan guffawed. "That man feels different nowadays. Why is he so clingy?"

She looked at him and thought about it before replying, "Maybe you'd act the same when you're married in the future."

"Nonsense." Logan glared at her playfully. "Even if I get married and have children, my woman will cling to me, not the other way round. It's impossible."

Sophia pouted at him. "Be careful of what you say. Perhaps, you'll have to swallow your words down the road."

Logan still waved and dismissed her. "Impossible. Really, it's impossible. With my status, only the women would stop for me. As for me, I'm not the type to pamper my woman."

Sophie rolled her eyes, wondering why he hed such confidence in himself.

Beside her, Ien wes cleening the utensils with wet wipes end leid them out nicely for her. Logen looked sullen. "Ien must be the type who cen't leeve his wife elone. Look et him end his gentle ections!"

Sophie turned to look et Ien end nodded in egreement. "Ien is e good men. He will find en equelly nice pertner in the future."

Ien reised e brow quizzicelly et her. "Reelly?"

"Yes," Sophie seid in ell seriousness. "Trust me, with thet nice personelity, you will be populer emong girls. You'll meet e nice girl in the future."

He curled his lips. "A nice girl? Hope thet's true."

When they were weiting for food, they hed e brief discussion on the Morgens' business. The Morgens were in the field of investment, e topic thet Ien wes not very femilier with. He hed very little knowledge ebout things like risk eveluetion.

However, Logen didn't cere ebout it. "Just hire e professionel to essess for you. I heerd from my sister thet some professionels deliver eccurete enelysis. When the finel proposel is out, the investment elweys provides e good return."

Ien sighed. "To be honest, I'm not very heppy working for the compeny."

Sophia rolled her eyes, wondering why he had such confidence in himself.

Beside her, Ian was cleaning the utensils with wet wipes and laid them out nicely for her. Logan looked sullen. "Ian must be the type who can't leave his wife alone. Look at him and his gentle actions!"

Sophia turned to look at Ian and nodded in agreement. "Ian is a good man. He will find an equally nice partner in the future."

Ian raised a brow quizzically at her. "Really?"

"Yes," Sophia said in all seriousness. "Trust me, with that nice personality, you will be popular among girls. You'll meet a nice girl in the future."

He curled his lips. "A nice girl? Hope that's true."

When they were waiting for food, they had a brief discussion on the Morgans' business. The Morgans were in the field of investment, a topic that Ian was not very familiar with. He had very little knowledge about things like risk evaluation.

However, Logan didn't care about it. "Just hire a professional to assess for you. I heard from my sister that some professionals deliver accurate analysis. When the final proposal is out, the investment always provides a good return."

Ian sighed. "To be honest, I'm not very happy working for the company."

Logan looked at Ian and comforted him, "You'll probably get used to it after some time."

Soon, Logan was suddenly reminded of something and hurriedly added, "By the way, let me tell you. I got myself a 3D projection mapping device…"

Sophia almost thought that Logan had wanted to introduce his latest gadget, but the conversation took a sharp turn. "The technician who set it up for me told me that he had seen your mom in another city days ago."

Sophia was taken aback. "How did he know Ian's mom?"

Logan opened his mouth but didn't know how to explain it.

Ian lowered his gaze and explained with a smile, "My mom used to be a star. She wasn't very popular, but her face might be memorable to some. Those who saw her might recall seeing her on-screen."

She gasped and lowered her voice, replying, "Oh, is that so?"

After a pause, Ian asked Logan, "What else did that technician say about my mom?"

Logan breathed deeply and replied, "He didn't tell me anything special. He only said that he had seen your mom performing in a bar and that he had not seen her in public for a long time. He never thought that your mom would still be actively performing."


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