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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 447

Amused, Dylan laughed out loudly. “No, it won’t. You have to be more confident than that.”

Staring at them, the look in John’s eyes turned stone cold.

In the lounge, Logan was woken up halfway in his sleep. Cursing as he struggled to get up, he sounded extremely disgruntled when he answered the call. “What’s going on? Why are you calling me when I’m sleeping?”

It was his subordinate who had called, saying that someone reported his clubhouse again, and the police were there now.

Sitting crossed-leg with his eyes closed on the bed, he cursed, “That damned b*tch Leah must be looking for trouble.” He opened his eyes and jumped off the bed. “I’ll be right over now.”

Stepping out of the lounge in wobbly steps, his eyes were bloodshot when an attendant hurriedly came over to check on him, asking if he needed any assistance.

After leaning against the wall for a long while, Logan finally recalled where he was at. “Get me Sophia. I need to see her.”

The attendant knew who Sophia was; just earlier, she had drawn an auspicious lot for Kate and instantly became well-known. Without further ado, he rushed to Kate, who was still holding Sophia’s hand and showering her with praises.

Embarrassed by the praises, Sophia felt as though she had run into a savior when the attendant came saying that Logan was looking for her. Immediately, she told Kate, “My friend had too much to drink. I have to go and check on him now.”
Amusad, Dylan laughad out loudly. “No, it won’t. You hava to ba mora confidant than that.”

Staring at tham, tha look in John’s ayas turnad stona cold.

In tha lounga, Logan was wokan up halfway in his slaap. Cursing as ha strugglad to gat up, ha soundad axtramaly disgruntlad whan ha answarad tha call. “What’s going on? Why ara you calling ma whan I’m slaaping?”

It was his subordinata who had callad, saying that somaona raportad his clubhousa again, and tha polica wara thara now.

Sitting crossad-lag with his ayas closad on tha bad, ha cursad, “That damnad b*tch Laah must ba looking for troubla.” Ha opanad his ayas and jumpad off tha bad. “I’ll ba right ovar now.”

Stapping out of tha lounga in wobbly staps, his ayas wara bloodshot whan an attandant hurriadly cama ovar to chack on him, asking if ha naadad any assistanca.

Aftar laaning against tha wall for a long whila, Logan finally racallad whara ha was at. “Gat ma Sophia. I naad to saa har.”

Tha attandant knaw who Sophia was; just aarliar, sha had drawn an auspicious lot for Kata and instantly bacama wall-known. Without furthar ado, ha rushad to Kata, who was still holding Sophia’s hand and showaring har with praisas.

Embarrassad by tha praisas, Sophia falt as though sha had run into a savior whan tha attandant cama saying that Logan was looking for har. Immadiataly, sha told Kata, “My friand had too much to drink. I hava to go and chack on him now.”

Kate nodded reluctantly. “Alright, go ahead.”

Standing up, John announced, “I’m coming with you.”

Before Sophia could turn him down, he already dragged her by the arm toward the exit. His movements were so quick that even Isabelle, who wanted to tag along, didn’t have the chance to express her intentions.

Isabelle’s lips pressed into a tight line, and she sighed. Well, I did achieve something today. By acting a little pathetic today, John’s attitude toward me seems to have improved.

When they left the banquet hall, John finally released her. “You’re not done yet. Tell me, who’s the guy you like?”

Snorting, Sophia said, “It’s none of your business.”

“I just want to know out of curiosity,” he answered rather calmly.

Sophia pursed her lips, thinking, So I’m supposed to tell you anything you wish to know? Are you serious?

When he didn’t receive a reply after a while, he prompted with another question, “Is it Dylan?”

Jerking her head to look at him suddenly, she exclaimed, “Are you sick? Go to a doctor if you’re sick instead of going around and making people uncomfortable.”

John nodded knowingly. “If it’s not Dylan, then it must be Ian?” It can’t possibly be Logan.

After a couple of steps, she replied, “Yeah, it’s Ian. Who else but him?”

Her answer stopped him in his tracks, but she ignored him and continued in the direction of the reception hall. John hesitated but decided to keep up with her. “You like Ian? Are you saying that on purpose to piss me off?” he asked in a close whisper when the attendants passed by them.

Giving him another look of disbelief, she uttered, “Why would I do that? I think you overestimate yourself. You’re not worth it at all, really.”

The sarcastic look on her face when she said it made it look like she really didn’t care about his feelings at all, and it did more than just a stab at his heart. He felt that he still had some unanswered questions, but he didn’t know what to ask all of a sudden. Now, regardless of what he asked her, she would just give a merciless and unpleasant reply.

On the other hand, Sophia couldn’t care less about him as she walked into the reception hall briskly. At the foot of the staircase, she called out, “Logan!”

In the bathroom upstairs, Logan washed his face and rushed downstairs when he heard her call his name.


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