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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 537

If it were me, I wouldn’t have been able to hold it in.

John sighed. “Yeah. I was initially thinking of remarrying her before people found out about it to prevent so many things from happening, but Miss Gwendolyn disagreed and insisted on kicking me away.”

He said it jokingly, so Isabelle really laughed and considered it a joke.

Sophia thought that Isabelle herself was much funnier than this joke, so she only laughed after Isabelle finished laughing. It was very sudden and the timing of the laugh was weird.

However, Isabelle only looked at Sophia and was not affected at all. Even now, she could still hold her ground as she commented, “Miss Gwendolyn looks very pretty, so I’m sure she is really likable.”

Sophia raised her eyebrow. “Naturally, I also think that I’m quite likable.”

Isabelle nodded. “I think Young Master Jefferson and Miss Gwendolyn have a pretty good relationship. And there’s Young Master Ian as well. These two aren’t very easygoing with outsiders, yet they behave differently when they interact with Miss Gwendolyn.”

John stared at Isabelle, then looked down at Sophia.

Chuckling, Sophia replied, “I suppose so. But after interacting with them for some time, it’s clear that they have very good judgement of people and they are young men with good morals.” Since Isabelle has implied that I have a controversial relationship with Logan, I can also mock her in turn. After all, Logan and Ian both didn't like Isabelle to the extent that they couldn’t be bothered to be polite to her, which showed how bad Isabelle's character was.

Curving her lips, Isabelle did not respond. This wasn’t the first time Sophia had won in a war of words anyway.

Thinking for a while, John massaged Sophia’s shoulders and said, “Come on. Let’s go home now. There isn’t anything to do here anyway.”

Sophia agreed with John’s words, so she said, “All right, let’s go home.”

A trace of happiness flashed past John’s eyes.

Since Sophia and John were going to leave, Isabelle naturally couldn’t stay here. So, she also stood up and said goodbye to them. After she left, Sophia snorted, which John heard loud and clear. He turned his head to look at Sophia, the corners of his mouth slowly lifting into a grin.

As the two returned home from the shop, John didn't ask Sophia what Isabelle had said to her just now. It was as if he had forgotten about that woman as he drove Sophia home. When they reached their destination, Sophia opened the door and got off, then said her goodbye.

John stopped her. “What do you mean by this? Aren’t you gonna invite me in?”

Turning around, Sophia faced him. “It's getting late, so you should go home for dinner. I won't ask you to stay.”

John opened the door and got out of the car. “You weren’t like this back in the shop just now.”

Just now? That was a show I put on for Isabelle. Now that she’s not there, who am I putting on an act for?

Ignoring Sophia's reaction, John walked past her and into the house. “It's been a long time since I’ve eaten the food you cook.” This meant that he wanted to have dinner here before leaving.

Sophia stood there for a long time with her lips pursed, then she turned and entered the living room.

Familiar with the place, John sat down on the sofa and switched on the TV, while Sophia put on her apron and went into the kitchen to cook. Although John stared at the TV, he wasn’t actually watching the movie on it. His attention was mostly fixated on the kitchen, where the sounds of vegetables being chopped and the water running rang and reverberated in his ears.

After a while, John couldn't help but get up and walk toward the kitchen.

Sophia's hair was tied up into a bun. Also, she wore a pastel-colored apron and her head was lowered as she prepared the ingredients very seriously.

Upon seeing her like this, John’s heart constricted for a moment before he entered and wrapped his arms around her. “I think the two of us are great together like this. Won’t you consider getting back together with me again?”


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