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No 1 Supreme Warrior novel Chapter 744

With emergency braking, the car came to a halt directly at the edge of the green belt.

Nadine's hands gripped the direction tightly, her pupils widened, her breath caught, and her heart thudded as if it was about to jump out of her throat.


She felt a great sense of crisis!

The only three people who knew about her re-entry into the Phantom were Leo, Sharon, and her.

And how did Karl know?

Only one nano-chip bomb will be grafted into the head of each person loyal to the Phantom.

The slightest disclosure of information about the organisation, or death, would be the trigger that sets off the chip bomb.

This is bad for Nadine and the only way to break the chip bomb is to get back into the organisation.

That is why she disguised a scene of betrayal of Leo to convince the Phantom.

Now, she has managed to remove the bomb from her head.

She wanted to go back to Leo again, but she eventually held back.

It had been so easy to get back into the Phantom and gain the trust of the organisation that it would be a waste of a great opportunity not to infiltrate a little deeper and gain more information.

But the fact that her biggest secret has been exposed by someone who is not sure exactly what the relationship with the Phantom is, which makes Nadine feel uneasy.

In the face of unease, Nadine often chooses only one path.


She then drew a short knife with a cold glow from her leather boots and stabbed it viciously at Karl's chest.

She swung the knife with such particular speed that the air in the car, which was not circulating, made the sound of a puncture.

Fast, hard and accurate!

Aim for Karl's heart!

Nadine’s kills were always with a single slash!

This time will be no exception!

Karl sat quietly in the passenger seat, staring ahead, as if he didn't notice.

Just as Nadine was about to kill him, Karl moved.

Like grabbing popcorn, he reached out and grabbed Nadine's wrist with the knife.

The short knife in Nadine's hand then remained frozen just a few centimetres from Karl's chest.


Nadine was startled, but she did not panic and flicked her finger on the end of the hilt.

The broken blade, which was only a dozen centimetres long, was an additional cut at once.

"Go to hell!"

Nadine used all her strength, but still could not thrust a single point downwards.

She can only rely on the extra cut to pierce Karl's heart.

However, Karl's hand had already been pressed on the button to adjust the height of the driver's seat.

The cushion was instantly flattened down.

In this way, Karl easily deflected Nadine's sudden assassination.

Nadine's heart sank to the bottom and the sharp blade in her hand was easily taken away by Karl.

However, surprisingly, Karl did not kill her, but let go of her hand and released her.

Nadine also flinched, but could move her arms and legs and immediately slammed another punch into Karl's face.

Anyone who knows the secret must die.

With such a stalker, Karl also frowned.

"Is there an end to this?"


Nadine still had her eyes fixed on him with a deadly stare.

Karl was slightly stunned and after looking at him for two seconds, he smiled softly, "Worthy of being one of Leo's men, whether in strength or temperament and personality, you look like him."

Nadine was indifferent and determined to kill Karl.

The first rule of the killer's code is to kill whoever you decide to kill, even if it means giving your life.

The same is true of those who are determined to protect.

"Now he and I are not enemies."

Karl said.


Hearing these words, the murderous aura in Nadine's eyes disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Her brow furrowed in confusion as she looked at Karl.


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