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No 1 Supreme Warrior novel Chapter 806

This news, like a thunderbolt, instantly washed away Leo's sleepiness.

He immediately climbed up and walked out of the courtyard to find that it was still slightly light.

After a long pause, he asked out loud, "Is the information reliable?"

"One hundred percent reliable."

Sharon's low voice came over the phone, "It seems that because of your death, all the major royal families have been eager to do something."

"Okay, got it, I'll be right back."

Hanging up the phone, Leo hurriedly put his things together and walked into Caroline's room.

To his surprise, Caroline had woken up by now and was sitting alone at the head of the bed, dazed.

"Come on, back to S City."

Leo prodded.

"What? So soon?"

Caroline came back to her senses with a look of dismay.

But seeing the look of urgency on Leo's face, she knew that what he was waiting for had arrived. At that moment, she stopped feeling sad, packed her bags and prepared to leave.

She thought about it all night and it was only in the morning that she felt that she had become too attached to the past and had lost sight of good and evil.

Nowadays, Rebecca is not the same mother as before.

She is just a wicked woman overwhelmed by hatred and bent on revenge.

In order to achieve the purpose, any person can be used, any person can be sacrificed ---- A touch of gratitude suddenly emerged in her heart, thankfully, Leo has changed her.

If she continued to be his enemy, would she have become a second Rebecca?

Like mother, like daughter. How a child turns out is really too much influenced by the parents.

It was time for her to let go of the past and appreciate all the life she had now.

The first time they arrived at Pearl Airport, they did not take a civilian plane, but arrived at an open space.

To Caroline's surprise, there was actually a helicopter parked there.

"Mr. Cohen!"

Seeing Leo and Caroline coming, a sturdy man with a dark skin immediately grinned and saluted respectfully.

Caroline's eyes immediately widened, she remembered this was Hans Rickard, the chief of the Pearl War Domain.

Leo nodded lightly, "Let's get going!"


Hans looked to one of the pilots under his command, "Send Mr. Cohen to S City!"

The helicopter's huge propellers spun rapidly, and the strong hurricane wind blew the green lawn into ripples only found on a lake, and blew up Caroline's long hair.

She followed Leo to the helicopter, pounding with excitement.

It was the first time she had ever been in a helicopter and she was nervous and excited inside.

Soon the helicopter rose slowly into the clouds and headed in the direction of S City.

"Faster, faster!"

Leo's face was serious as he urged.

The pilot kept picking up speed and Caroline saw the clouds next to her and felt the real ride.

While Caroline's heart was pounding, she suddenly seemed to remember something and her face turned flushed.

"Leo -"

She gently tugged on the corner of Leo's coat.


Leo inclined his head to look at her and said seriously.

"Don't take what happened yesterday to heart ......"

Her voice was small and her face was blushing.

Leo was stunned, knowing that she was talking about the deadly pestering of him yesterday when he had an emotional breakdown.

Immediately, he smiled slightly, "I didn't care!"



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