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No longer a pushover (Noelle and Cedric) novel Chapter 68


Chapter 68 

Lecas no longer needed to hot himself back now that he was no longer 

shopes on Noella. He demanded, “Noelle, you should apologize to Xenia now!” 

Noelle raised an eyebrow and explained, “This is my soos she moved in here without my permission. I have every right to do what I want. 

“There’s a good reason to that! And so what it Nenia stayed in your room for just a few days? It’s not like you’ll get hurt or anything ” 

Noelle replied. “Then who didn’t you let Xenia stay on the team, Lucas? Is it because she sucks at the game? Afraid that she’ll drag you down? oh, how can you be so perry, Lucas? Don’t you know that Kenia’s grades dropped because she worked hard to train for the competicion? How could you just place her into the role of a mere substitute? 

imilly tram, aren’t we? Xenia may be bad at the game, but she’s trying her best, no? So what if you lose? It’s not like you’ll get hurt or anything 

She spoke so fast and to the point that Lucas was teeded speechless 

Noelle sneered as she wondered if Lucas was already at his limit. When he had used the same words to put–trip her, he had always acted as if he were doing the right thing, 

Now that she had wed his own words against him, he seemed to be unable to handle IL 

Lucas Lace turned red from anger as he retorted. “You’re hopeless, Noelle! If you don’t apologer to a right now, I’ll no longer consider you my sister? 

Noelle laughed out loud. “That’s perfect. Saved me the trouble.” 

“Yeah, you said that yourself, Noelle! Don’t you regret it! With that, he stormed off from the hallway 

Kenia stood thereb 

here by herself as she looked at Noelle with teary eyes. “Noelle=” 

“You should get lost too!” replied Noelle before shutting her door 

Jania was furious. She wondered if Noelle had truly gone crazy. But since Noelle had agreed to sever ties with the Liddell, it had also made things easier for Xenia 

After shutting the door behind her, Noelle returned to her computer. She logged back into the game and was once again greeted by Lucas‘ message I even included a draft of the contract to join his team it was apparent that he was in a hurry. 


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