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Nobilis of War novel Chapter 1402

The whole process was becoming more and more interesting to Darren.

Finding the flaws in the so-called perfect blade skill filled him with a great sense of accomplishment.

Since he had begun this, he had fallen into a trance-like state, becoming completely oblivious of himself. This was something he had never experienced in his cultivation before.

This allowed him to gradually find more and more flaws.

As time here was frozen, he had no concept of how much time had passed either, but in that time he had found around four hundred flaws.

But that was in fact the trouble; he had only found four hundred.

In order to find these flaws, Darren had studied the blade skill more than a million times!

He had pulled all the brain power he possibly could but still could not find any more flaws.

He had hit a wall, one that was truly difficult to break through.

And at a bad time too, he was still a long ways away from the over eight hundred flaws he was supposed to find.

"This appears to be my limit," Darren sighed, somewhat exhausted and disappointed.

He believed he had figured out all the flaws there were and there was nothing more he could do.

As it stood, he had only completed half the mission and this only heightened his frustration.

It even began driving him to question whether he had enough talent or comprehension to complete the task before him.

But he did not let all this get the better of him. Instead, he was calm and forced himself to remain so to think it over and find a solution.

In the past, he might not have been able to suppress his irritation so easily, but after experiencing the baptism of time, it was not so difficult anymore.

It seemed that perhaps the owner of the Archean relic was very far sighted indeed. Only a genius capable of remaining calm and collected would be able to get his inheritance. And those who could not would most likely kill themselves due to the torture of endless time in this place.

More than forty beams of light enveloped more than forty human talents.

All of whom were being tested.

"That's it. I give up! It's impossible. It's impossible!"

It took a long while, but eventually, someone finally broke the silence.

"How is it possible that this fist skill has four hundred flaws? I've only found twelve. This is killing me!"

Once that cultivator had finished speaking, the beam of light left his body. He had given up and quite obviously failed the test.

"It seems my talent is far from enough. I've only found sixty-eight flaws. Is this the end for me?" Another cultivator sighed heavily, seemingly at the end of his rope. He was attempting to comprehend a stick formula. It was said that there were more than three thousand and eight hundred flaws to it.

There were already more than twenty cultivators in the void who had given up on the test.

"Have you given up on your test? What was it about?"

"It was a mantra formula. I was told there were ninety-eight flaws, but I could not find any of them. Such a terrible shame!" It was a rule cultivator who spoke.

"I only found seventeen, how frustrating!"

Those talents who had already quit were gathered together and conversing among themselves.

They soon found that their tests were for what they needed most. But it turned out to be too difficult and impossible for them to pass.

"I do hope these remaining talents can succeed."

All those who stood by were engrossed in this challenge, watching closely those talents who were still working, hoping someone could successfully pass their test.

No one knew how long they had been here.

The light beams slowly faded, now leaving only five.

Only five of the forty had been able to hold on up until now.

"I'm curious to see who is still in it."

Those who had failed now pinned all their hopes on these last five talents.

"It looks like it's Darren, Finley, Jorge Jiang, Sandy Lou and Carman Jiang left."

They weren't surprised to know that Darren was one of the five. Among those five, the other four meant nothing to them.

They had not expected anyone but Darren to make it this far, especially Finley.

Everyone knew he was Darren's close friend, but they knew just as well that his strength was nothing to write home about.


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