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Nobilis of War novel Chapter 1474

Todd was stunned by the words Darren had said. It was such a shocking thing to hear that even Murray fell silent.

Indeed, the Chaotic Region was so trivial compared to the Primitive Wilderness. It was nothing more than a tiny drop in a vast ocean.

After a long silence, Murray's gaze turned cold and cruel. "Supreme God Alfredo left a restriction in the Chaotic Region, and even the chief gods wouldn't dare break it. If I take charge and unify this region, it will see never ending peace! Don't think you can convince me with that ridiculous spiel. You're just good at being a boisterous liar, just like your avatar."

"Stop lying to yourself. It's stupid to expect that the restriction my uncle left lasts forever. Think about it. My uncle was an incredible man, but even he couldn't live forever, much less so the restriction that he left. It's honestly pathetic for you to keep your hopes up like that.

It's true that I'm only at the Celestial God Realm, but I'm trying to make a difference in this world. You think that's funny? Then let me ask you, what level are you in the human race? Where are you on the food chain? Do you have any influence over anyone compared to the fiend race, the angel race and the Shura race?"

Not waiting for Murray to respond, Darren continued to say calmly, "Say no more. Let me tell you the answer. In the Primitive Wilderness, you are just at the top level of the Deputy God Realm. There are many people who can easily slay you in these parts. Don't you think that you are a joke too?"

Murray's heart dropped. His lips trembled in despair as all his words had failed him.

What Darren said to him cut deep. It was a sore subject for the entire human race. They'd rather not hear that they were weak when compared to the other races.

"What is it? Cat got your tongue? Let me tell you, we're living in tough times and in an even tougher world. You don't get to choose to join in or drop out of it. This is a culling put into place and the whole world is involved. Every living being is a part of this nasty situation.

I can't help but believe that I can reach the highest level and do something about it, even if you probably don't think I should," said Darren wholeheartedly.

Murray felt torn. He wished for a pure and peaceful world. He imagined beautiful sceneries of blue skies, white clouds, green mountains, and pristine rivers. All the people living in this land got along in harmony.

But it seemed like such a far-off and difficult dream. Even Supreme God Alfredo was taken by the claws of death, not to mention the restriction he left behind. Even if he could manage to control the Chaotic Region, peace was still an unattainable dream.

"Ha-ha..." Murray laughed in a bittersweet tone, sounding more like he was crying. At this moment, something in his heart that he'd held onto so tightly was shattered into pieces.

"What's the point of saying all that?" Murray roared. "This won't change the fact that this soil will be your final resting place. Come on, anyone who dares act against me will face death!"

He'd gone crazy. His black hair was flowing behind him in a mess of tangles, and his spear intent swept over the ground once more.

"You still don't get it," Todd murmured with a gleam in his eyes. Murray didn't understand, but Todd did!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The sword intent wove together into a huge web and descended behind Todd.

"So you've finally chosen to betray me."

Murray emitted a dark aura, and his face twisted in pure rage.

"I'm never a traitor as long as I'm loyal to the human race."

"The human race can go to hell! It's all because of this damned kid. If you kill him, you will understand that the paradise we all seek will finally come!"

Killing intent swept crazily and surged towards Darren.

At this moment, the thirty-six-sided crystal spun crazily in Darren's mind. All the hatred, killing intent, and all the negative emotions had turned into a source of power that would improve his cultivation base.

The hatred from a peerless spear master was terrifying, but when it appeared here, it all turned into an insane source of power.

"Kill him!"

Murray finally made his move. He wielded his spear and descended with immense force, like a god who wished to crush an inferior being under himself.


Todd murmured, and a flash of light came from his eyes.

The sword in his hands suddenly disappeared, and the sword intent behind him surged up, taking the form of a huge dragon.

Under such heavy pressure, the two Bloodsucker Princes desperately mobilized their blood vitality, condensed it into a blood vitality storm and enveloped Darren with it. The only thing Joris and Elgin could do now was to protect Darren from being harmed at all costs. They had no other way to participate in the battle.


Just like that, the world was enveloped in a blinding light.


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