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Not Again Mr Whitney novel Chapter 23

Calvin changed his shoes and noticed that the atmosphere was getting weird in the living room.

Then he looked at Vincent’s distorted face and he took Rita’s hint; he knew what was going on at once.

This son of bitch was telling lies again.


The second he said that, Carrie threw the vase on the table at him.

“Don’t call me mother. I don’t have a son-in-law like you.”

Lewis was also furious, “Calvin, you’re a man. How could you hit your wife? You don’t know what kind of woman Rita is? Who could you hurt her like that?”

Calvin was aware of this situation. Vincent must have told them that he knocked down the bottle in Rita’s hand.

That was because the water was drugged.

“Father, mother, let me explain.”

Carrie figured it out that Calvin must have been cheating thinking that Calvin was the one who brought up divorce and he dared to hit her daughter today.

After all these years, she let a snake live in under her roof.

“I’m gonna kill you! You bastard!”

Calvin couldn’t hit her back and didn’t want to let her hit him either. So he had to avoid her.

The living room was in a chaos.

Then, they heard someone roaring with anger, “Are you trying to kill me?”

Lewis looked back and found out it was Mrs. Houston, who was trembling out of wrath.

“Mom, why did you get out of bed?”

Lewis came forward to hold her arms but got pushed away.

“Can you stop fighting and just live in peace? If you can’t make this work, then just go your separate ways. You took me here from my second child’s home just to make me live in a chaos?”

Hearing that, Carrie had to stop chasing after Calvin.

Vincent held Mrs. Houston and got her seated.

“Grandma, don’t get upset. You can’t blame Auntie because nobody can take this. How could a mother ignore the fact that her own daughter was physically abused?”

Mrs. Houston glared at them and yelled, “Rita was hurt? Who did that?”

“Who else could do something like that? The great son-in-law of the Houston family.”

Mrs. Houston went ahead with her walking stick and pointed at Calvin.

“You bastard. What did we do wrong to you? It’s okay that you never thought of repaying our kindness. How dare you hurt my precious grandchild? I...I...”

Mrs. Houston nearly fainted and Lewis hurriedly patted on her back to comfort her.

Vincent pulled a long face and said, “Calvin, why are you still standing there? Come and apologize to Mrs. Houston.”

Calvin went to Rita and asked, “Rita, does it still hurt?”

Rita looked away. It was a little too late to say that.

Vincent was irritated that Calvin ignored him. He walked straight to him and grabbed Calvin’s arm.

“I said, apologize to Mrs. Houston. Get down on your knees and beg for her forgiveness,”

Calvin threw away his hand and nearly flipped Vincent over.

Carrie glared at him, “You loser. Hitting Rita isn’t enough for you? You want to hurt Vincent too? Vincent just helped us get the contract. He is the hero to our family. Apologize right now!”

Vincent stood straight and gave Calvin a cocky look.

“Auntie, I don’t care whether he apologize or not. I don’t care about what he says. After all, he is my brother-in-law. But based on the way he treats his family, he definitely messes around out there. I deeply care about our family. Calvin, you really need to apologize this time.”

Betty was also helping her husband, “Vincent has helped you a lot and this is your way of treating him? You don’t want his help ever again?’

Everyone targeted at Calvin. But he just said coldly, “First of all, I just nudged him a little. He was too weak. As for the reason why he was so vulnerable, you can ask him yourself.”

Vincent was startled, “What...what are you talking about? I’m not weak.”

Calvin ignored him, “Secondly, I never asked him to help. I can do this without him.”

Betty snorted, “Auntie, you heard that? Your son-in-law is really good at bragging. If you are capable of getting it done, Vincent wouldn’t have to be so exhausted. You’d better apologize now or we’ll never help you again.”

“Apologize!” Carrie pointed her finger at him.

Lewis was also mad at him, “Calvin, you’ve crossed a line this time. I have to take his side.”


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