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Not Again Mr Whitney novel Chapter 25

“Miss Bentley, sorry to bother you. The contract I brought home got the stamp of Chelston Bentley Group and everyone is having some doubts.”

“Oh, about that, you guys don’t need to worry. I will be holding a press conference shortly to announce my acquisition of Chelston Healthcare Group. If you still have some concern, you can wait for that.”

Nobody dared to question Selena Bentley.

Carrie’s eyes were wide open. She couldn’t believe that Calvin really did it.

And it was five hundred thousand dollars.

Two hundred thousand more than they expected.

“Thank you, Miss Bentley. Sorry to interrupt you like that.”

He hung up the phone and looked at Carrie, “Now, can you trust me?”

Carrie didn’t know how to answer. She felt like her face was burning.

The loser who had always listened to whatever she said suddenly brought back a contract worth of five hundred thousand dollars and saved the Houston's Clinic.

She was actually kind of satisfied.

But Carrie Houston would never give in.

“What? You’re gloating? It’s just a contract. So what? I don’t care about that five hundred thousand dollars. Don’t forget what we provided you in the past two years...”

Before she finished her sentence, Calvin took out another file.

“A reservation contract of medical supplies outsourcing worth of one million dollars. Is it enough for you?’

The Houstons were all shocked. They stared at him with disbelief.

He not only had accomplished an unlikely practical cooperation, he also had gotten a contract worth of one million dollars.

Carrie immediately responded, “Impossible.”

Lewis grabbed the contract and took a closer look. He was thrilled.

“It’s true. It’s really worth one million! Calvin, great job! This business is a sure bet.”

Normally, Calvin would be happy to get a compliment.

But today, he was faced with too many doubts and questions. He was not a man of steel and his feelings were really hurt.

Carrie was quite gloomy. The first thing crossed her mind wasn’t how much money the Houston family would make but was whether Calvin could be tamed after this.

Why could he be so good at this? What kind of loser was he?

“That’s not a big deal. It’s only luck.”

Rita had been silent until she suddenly said with jealousy, “It’s not luck. He’s got someone’s help.”

Carrie was puzzled, “Help? From whom?”

Rita got even more furious. She didn’t expect that this contract was given by Selena. He didn’t work hard at all.

It was really generous of her. She gave him $ 1.5 million at once.

Was that home wrecker trying to give this to her as the part fee?

No wonder he wanted to divorce her.

Seeing that her daughter was getting mad, Carrie gasped, “Is Selena the one who helped you?”

“Who else could it be? Calvin, congratulations.”

Calvin was stunned, “Rita, what do you mean?”

“You got the contract and you paid off the debts you owed us. Now you get to divorce me and pursue your happiness. Why can’t I congratulate you?”

Calvin knew she misunderstood. Nothing could happen between Selena and him.

“Rita, you misunderstood.”

Carrie scorned him in wrath, “Calvin, good for you. You stayed at home all the time and I didn’t expect you to cheat on Rita with a chairwoman.”

Betty added, “The Internet is really convenient for cheating these days. Men can cheat on you under your nose. Hmm, I thought he suddenly got smarter somehow. Turns out he is just digging another woman’s gold. Auntie, you can’t let him go so easily. He wants a divorce? Better keep dreaming!”

Calvin actually didn’t want a divorce. He only said that because they forced him to do that.

But he really did consider whether he would hold Rita back.

To love someone is not to possess. As long as it was good for Rita, Calvin would do anything for her.

No one would know how painful it was for Calvin to propose the divorce.

They all just believed that he was cheating.

Seeing that Calvin remained silent, Carrie thought she was onto something and kept pushing.


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