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Not Again Mr Whitney novel Chapter 7

“A kind of potion, Basilisk Venom, extremely rare, the ability to extend life expectancy.”

Calvin was rapturous. He didn’t expect that the Book of the Malandra to be incredibly functional. It could cure people and appraise treasures.

This thing called Basilisk Venom could extend his life? Then he couldn’t waste it like that.

He hastily licked the transparent juice on his hand. It tasted bitter like bitter almonds. Once he took it in, he felt it was flowing throughout his body, which felt very comfortable.

Seeing that Calvin wouldn’t even waste the walnut that he took from garbage, Vincent despised him even more, “You only deserve to eat garbage. Take a look at my gift...”

He took a wooden box from his wife, Betty Houston. Even the box alone was very pretty.

“Look at what Vincent’s got for Mrs. Houston! He must have put a lot of efforts in it. The box alone was very pricey. It’s completely hand-painted. Gorgeous and not cheesy. Mrs. Houston is gonna love it.”

“Don’t put it like that. He’s not the only young man who put efforts in their gifts. You can’t say so many nice things about him just because he’s your son-in-law.”

“Stop it. Why are you arguing about this? As long as Mrs. Houston is happy, we’re happy. And no one can be worse than that loser over there.”


Carrie put her hands on her chest and she seemed like she didn’t feel quite well. Lewis held her arms and walked her to another place to comfort her.

Vincent opened the wooden box proudly, “I’m going to feed your sight on.”

Inside the box was a piece of jade carved with complex patterns. It looked very expensive.

“How does it look like? I went to a temple and got this jade amulet on my trip to Oakshire. A great wizard gave his blessings to this gift.”

Calvin was standing next to him, having some hard feelings. He didn’t know that Vincent also went to Oakshire. Did he and Rita meet up...

Vincent had been having an eye on Rita and he wanted to steal her away. But Rita never crossed the line so Calvin had to pretend he didn’t know anything about this.

Carrie saw the amulet and was acting even weirder.

“Isn’t that the jade amulet that we saw before? It’s worth three hundred thousand dollars.”

Hearing that, Vincent got cockier. He was busy wondering how to mention the price and brag about it.

Everyone in the living room started gasping, “Three hundred thousand dollars! When did that guy get so rich?”

Vincent said with confidence, “Uncle, merely three hundred thousand is getting rich to you? My company made three million dollars last year. Three hundred thousand is nothing compared to that. The most important thing is to make grandma happy.”

Vincent was enjoying the spotlight and then he turned around to waved at Calvin, “Calvin, can you see it clearly from that distance? If you don’t come over, you’ll never be able to see this again your entire life. We’re all juniors and shouldn’t be so petty when it comes to our elders. Even though I’m far richer than you, you shouldn’t just dig up a walnut from a trashcan and give it to grandma as a gift.”

All the relatives exclaimed about the huge gap between these two sons-in-law.

Calvin stared at the jade amulet and felt something was wrong.

Noticing that Calvin was staring at it, Vincent put it on his hand.

“Admire it as much as you want. Don’t blame us for shaming you. Nobody would do such things like you. The elder ones deserve our love and respect. Grandma is 88 years old now and it’s a sign that tells us all of us are blessed with fortune and health...”

Vincent was practically spitting in Calvin’s face. Just as Calvin was wondering why he was suddenly so hyped up; he saw several people coming from behind.

It was Isabel Houston, their grandmother. She was carefully held by a servant.

“It’s Vincent, right? I heard what you said back there. Aren’t you a sweetheart?”

Calvin was calling Vincent a phony in his mind. He could never be that hypocritical.

Vincent acted surprised and went forward to hold her arm, “Grandma, why are you here? The dinner won’t be started so soon.”

“Haha, I got bored back there and wanted to talk with you kids. What are you talking about?”

Vincent hurriedly took the amulet from Calvin and got on his knees.

“Grandma, I prepared this for you. I hope you’ll like it.”

Mrs. Houston gently touched the amulet and said, “I’ve never seen anything like this. But I can tell from the carving that it is very precious. It’s very thoughtful of you.”

Vincent acted to be humble and said, “Grandma, we all take your birthday very seriously. Why don’t you guys present your gifts to grandma to make her happy?”


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