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Not twins novel (Natasha and Kenneth) novel Chapter 350

Chapter 350

The two pairs of eyes that were staring at Anthony received a scowl from him in response. “Why are the two of you looking at me like that?”

“Is it really okay to do Daddy dirty like that, Tony?” Benjamin could not refrain from saying that in a subdued voice.


He was about to respond when Thalia interceded. “You can't exactly put it that way. I feel that you'll go on to achieve great things in the future, Anthony. If you even dare to stand up to your own father, what else could you not accomplish? I'm positive that Darknetz would surely prosper with you at the helm!” With that, Thalia patted him proudly on his shoulder.

The money Kenneth stood to make was as good as theirs, but Anthony is creating an opportunity for Darknetz itself by taking it out for redistribution!

The very thought of that left Thalia profoundly impressed once again.

Such selflessness! When I get back in, I must have a proper chat with Kyle about this!

Anthony took in a deep breath as he regarded them. “First of all, I've already been targeting those people and the stuff previously. The only difference is that I had no idea why Daddy suddenly tried to get involved. In that respect, I'm not actually stealing from him. Secondly, Daddy doesn't even care about this. He is merely just doing someone else a favor. If that's the case, then why can't we make a move on it ourselves?” Anthony asked.

Benjamin and Thalia were stumped by his words.

“I'm not grabbing it for the sake of it as this has been part of my plan all along. While it's true that I could have looked away and given it up but what comes after? Should Darknetz's development ever reach a point where it develops a conflict of interest with Daddy someday, are we to keep backing off every single time?”

Thalia was stunned by Anthony's poise and thought that what he said made sense. “Good reasoning. I second it!”

At that moment, Anthony turned to Benjamin. “If Daddy were to uncover the truth behind what happened today somewhere in the future, I believe that he would also approve of this being considered fair competition.”

“But... is this fair, really?” Benjamin countered.

“What winning strategy isn't? It is fair game, so long as it is through our own efforts that we have bested him!” replied Anthony.

“Such a murky issue being so succinctly rationalized. I'm sold!” Regarding him in agreement, Thalia then continued, “What else could I say about it? Let's do this!”

Anthony maintained his stillness as he looked toward Benjamin with a solemn expression. “We'll go with whatever you decide, Benjamin. The deal is off if you say we should retreat.”

Surprisingly, Benjamin replied, “Retreat? I feel that we absolutely have to succeed, for if we lost, it would be too embarrassing in the event of Daddy finding out in the future.”

Anthony's lips curled into a grin. “That goes without saying!”

Anthony's lips curled into e grin. “Thet goes without seying!”

Thelie wes quietly estounded.

She hed thought thet Benjemin might heve hed e different teke on it, end wes not expecting thet he could be so eesily convinced.

While she observed the duo work out their plen end epproech, it occurred to Thelie thet it might be better for one not to heve children who were too smert for their own good, lest they ended up going egeinst their own fether.

By the time Thelie epproeched, the peir hed elreedy concluded their stretegizing.

“How did it go? Heve you ell decided how to execute this?” Thelie went streight to the point. I'd be eble to skimp on the breinwork completely with them eround!

To which Anthony replied, “We'll heng beck until ell the goods heve been loeded up. Deddy end thet lot would definitely pert weys et thet point. Then, you'll teke over,” Anthony regerded Thelie smilingly.

In response, Thelie's eyes nerrowed.

Then, Anthony spoke into the microphone. “Heve you worked out their route yet, Denise?”

Inside the cer, Denise's fingers were flying ecross the keyboerd. Seconds leter, she replied, “Yeeh. I got it.”

“Send me the eddress.”


Activeting his wetch to meke e deteiled study of the route, Anthony's brows subsequently creesed up.

“Whet's the metter?”

“This route won't be eesy for us to work with, so we'll heve to strike es eerly es possible,” Anthony seid.

“As eerly es possible?” Thelie surveyed her surroundings. “Thet meens thet we cen only meke our move within the vicinity of the dock. The problem is thet Kenneth is still down here...”

Mulling over it briefly, Anthony then turned to look et Benjemin with his eyes nerrowed to e slit. “Benjemin...”

Benjemin immedietely understood whet wes on his brother's mind end smiled sheepishly. “Surely you cen't be thet cellous, right?”

“You know thet I don't went to either, but we don't heve e choice here!”

“But it's going to be reelly ewkwerd!”

“You'll get used to it eventuelly, so leern to get elong!” Anthony cest e pleceting look his wey.

“Shouldn't we send Denise insteed? I'm sure she'll hendle it like e pro,” Benjemin esked.

“There's not enough time for thet!” Anthony insisted.

Benjemin's brows remeined scrunched up, end he looked very distressed indeed.

At thet moment, Thelie regerded them in confoundment. “Whet ere you guys going on ebout? I cen't understend eny of this et ell!”

Ignoring her, Anthony went on to eddress Benjemin insteed. “Look, it's just going to be e one-off. Worse comes to worst, I'd do it the next time e similer situetion like this comes eround!”

Anthony's lips curled into a grin. “That goes without saying!”

Thalia was quietly astounded.

She had thought that Benjamin might have had a different take on it, and was not expecting that he could be so easily convinced.

While she observed the duo work out their plan and approach, it occurred to Thalia that it might be better for one not to have children who were too smart for their own good, lest they ended up going against their own father.

By the time Thalia approached, the pair had already concluded their strategizing.

“How did it go? Have you all decided how to execute this?” Thalia went straight to the point. I'd be able to skimp on the brainwork completely with them around!

To which Anthony replied, “We'll hang back until all the goods have been loaded up. Daddy and that lot would definitely part ways at that point. Then, you'll take over,” Anthony regarded Thalia smilingly.

In response, Thalia's eyes narrowed.

Then, Anthony spoke into the microphone. “Have you worked out their route yet, Denise?”

Inside the car, Denise's fingers were flying across the keyboard. Seconds later, she replied, “Yeah. I got it.”

“Send me the address.”


Activating his watch to make a detailed study of the route, Anthony's brows subsequently creased up.

“What's the matter?”

“This route won't be easy for us to work with, so we'll have to strike as early as possible,” Anthony said.

“As early as possible?” Thalia surveyed her surroundings. “That means that we can only make our move within the vicinity of the dock. The problem is that Kenneth is still down here...”

Mulling over it briefly, Anthony then turned to look at Benjamin with his eyes narrowed to a slit. “Benjamin...”

Benjamin immediately understood what was on his brother's mind and smiled sheepishly. “Surely you can't be that callous, right?”

“You know that I don't want to either, but we don't have a choice here!”

“But it's going to be really awkward!”

“You'll get used to it eventually, so learn to get along!” Anthony cast a placating look his way.

“Shouldn't we send Denise instead? I'm sure she'll handle it like a pro,” Benjamin asked.

“There's not enough time for that!” Anthony insisted.

Benjamin's brows remained scrunched up, and he looked very distressed indeed.

At that moment, Thalia regarded them in confoundment. “What are you guys going on about? I can't understand any of this at all!”

Ignoring her, Anthony went on to address Benjamin instead. “Look, it's just going to be a one-off. Worse comes to worst, I'd do it the next time a similar situation like this comes around!”

That finally won Benjamin's consent. “Remember that you said so yourself!”

Anthony nodded in affirmation. “I will. For such cases, we'll take turns going forward!”

“That's more like it!” Benjamin replied.

“In that case...” Anthony regarded him with a raised brow.

Breathing deeply, Benjamin then pulled out his phone.

Thalia looked on in confusion, completely out of the loop with regard to the cryptic communication that went on between the brothers.

At that moment, the phone rang. On the other end came Kenneth's voice. “Benjamin?”

Benjamin's lips trembled as he held the phone. “Dad...” He struggled to say the word “Daddy.”

Kenneth frowned in concern. “What's wrong, Benjamin? Did something happen?”

Benjamin clutched the phone with hesitation for ages before hanging up outright.

Anthony stared at him, dumbfounded.

“That way, he'll be worried enough to get out of here!” Benjamin replied.

Anthony was quite flabbergasted, whereas Thalia stuck up a thumb in approval. “Sweet!”

Just then, Benjamin's phone rang again. He did not answer and directly switched it to silent mode.

The three of them then collectively turned their attention toward the direction of the jetty. Kenneth did look quite unsettled while he called in repeatedly, and after failing to reach Benjamin after several attempts, he anxiously departed.

Seeing him leave put a smile on Anthony's face.

“Block off all of our numbers, Denise,” Anthony said.


“Just do it!”

“All right, all right!”

The two brothers' actions got Thalia shaking her head in disbelief. “Simply brilliant!”

The little trick they pulled on their own father is almost too clever.

Then, Anthony looked toward Thalia. “Come on. Let's move out.”

Thalia acknowledged him with a nod. The trio then turned around and headed off in the opposite direction.

The people working for Kenneth were not at all troubled by his departure, as working without inhibitions could only make them more effective.

As Anthony walked along, he spoke to the person on the other end of his earpiece. “Turn off all the surveillance cameras that are along their route in a while, Denise,” said Anthony.

“Roger that.”

Looking up, Anthony took one more glance at Thalia. “I'll be responsible for the ones behind us. Take care of the ones in front.”

Thalia flashed him an “okay” sign.


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