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Not Your Mate Anymore novel Chapter 50

It's inevitable but there's also more to this.

I stormed out of the office in pursuit of Hunter. He is sort of the king of this realm and he had to know if this was one of my capabilities.

I find my family sitting in the garden. They all had sour looks on their faces and I mentally groaned. Evan was right, they were definitely arguing about the Jose issue.

"Hunter, may I speak with you? In private." I say before turning around and making my way back to my office.

Hunter follows me and closes the door once inside of my office.

"I found a book. The book is about my powers and what I can do with them. I came across a power, not exactly a gift but because I'm the moon goddess, the god of werewolves, I get to choose between life and death. Do you know of this?" I ask and Hunter let's out a loud long sigh.

"Yes. We are not sure it is an ability you have as my mother struggled with it. She could not do it while she was alive and I need you to not get your hopes up." He says as he makes his way closer to me.

"She's the one that saved me after Ethia killed me. I was dead and she said she would not allow it." I say folding my arms for that added effect.

"Oh?" Hunter says, shocked.

"Yeah. I met her and we had a chat. She saved me so clearly she finally figured out how to use it." I say and Hunter nods in agreement.

"You are thinking of bringing Clayton and Chase back, aren't ya?" Hunter asks me and I could not find the words so I nod my head yes.

"Well I won't stop you there. I don't know how it works but I know where it is done. Come with me.” Hunter says and walks past me, opening one of the many doors in the office. We walk into the room, revealing a small pond. I don't even know if that's what they call it.

Glowing fish swam in the pond. It was actually very quiet and tranquil in this room.

"This is the room my mother used to talk to the spirits. To spend time with them and gain some insights on their wisdom and time on earth.

Like me, she was from this realm so she could not really connect properly with the earthlings or understand anything they went through and this was her way of connecting with the earth so she can better help the ones still alive on earth.” Hunter tells me and I go down on my knees, palms resting on the ground and looking into the pond.

"Sabrina, you need to know that sometimes you can't bring people back. Not everyone will be in this pond or needing a save. Sometimes you also have to deny the ones that did terrible things the chance at life again, you can't save everyone. You are the god here and even family members need to stay dead for life to run its course. Understand?" Hunter says to me and I nod my head yes.

"What do they call the fish?" I ask and Hunter chuckles.

"I don't see fish but that's because I'm not the goddess. The fish you see are lost souls, souls that have not passed on completely and ones that need your help to move on. There will be some that need you to deliver a message or help with something.” Hunter tells me.

I touch the water and immediately I'm pulled in. I feel like I'm floating, I could not open my eyes as the light was too blinding.

I took a minute to get used to the light and I was surrounded by it. Different light sources surrounded me and I reached out for one.

When I touched it, it turned into a human. An old woman, who looked stressed and worried.

As soon as she noticed that I could see her, she looked relieved.

"Oh luna! I know I am old and I have lived a long life but I was killed by rogues, leaving behind a three year old boy on his own. His parents abandoned him and I am all he has, I can't leave him. Not yet." She says to me. I touch her body and her whole life story comes to me.

I see the boy, little stuart she calls him. A happy chirpy boy who was still hiding in the closet of their house in the woods. He could not find the courage to get out even though it has been a few hours since the attack. He was sobbing, his body shivering.

I could smell his fear and if the rogues were still around, they would have caught his scent but then again, sometimes rogues take in children to raise. They turn them into slaves to do their bidding.

Something overcame me and left my body straight into the old woman's body. A bright light formed around her, illuminating her to be even brighter.

She mouthed a thank you before there was nothing left of her. She was gone and then it hit me!

I had just returned her back to earth. She would be able to care for her adopted son once again and I was able to do that. That gave me enough courage to go through with this, I was able to save the twins.


I swam around looking for the twins. I touch a body and it wouldn't be either Clayton or Chase and I was losing it. I start to feel panic growing inside of me.


Had they accepted their fate? Did they truly believe that they had lived an eventful life and it was time to call it quits? No!


I couldn't accept that. They were young and had so much more to live for! Josey needs them, her wolf needs them.


It just can't end like this.


After swimming for some time, I gave up. What was the point? I thought they would be here but to my disappointment, they weren't here. They had passed on to the other side, where peace waited for them.


It was weird, I could feel myself crying. I felt defeated, lost. I had lost this fight and my job as moon goddess hasn't even started yet. I wasn't initiated properly as yet and I have failed, dismally.


I began to swim up, hoping to get out of here and figure out a way to pull my sister's wolf back and something touched my leg. I looked down and I touched the light, revealing Clayton.

His smile broke all the sadness, the dismay. I felt my insides cheer and feel happy. Boy was I happy to see this damn wolf!

Chapter 50-2 You Decide (2) 1

Chapter 50-2 You Decide (2) 2


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