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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 127

Tony deliberately withdrew his hand from her and sarcastically said, “Of course not. How would I dare to be angry at you? I’m just a nobody. If you would like to hide me, that’s your right to do so.”

Yet, he still claims that he’s not angry? He even emphasizes this point.

Myra played around with his right hand. “I’m not trying to hide you. You are not an item, so why would I need to hide you? Oh, that sounds wrong. You are something indeed, but… Haha…”

“Myra, that’s enough, yeah.”

When he heard her joke and her laughter earlier, his face instantly darkened as he quickly turned and glared at her.

Under the bright light in the car, there was a beaming spot in the middle of his eyes. Even though it was tiny, she could still see her small reflection in it.

Then, memories suddenly flooded her mind.

It started when Myra apologized to Elsie after Sean misunderstood her, she could remember the gentle look in Tony’s eyes when he came to pick her up. Then, he brought Elsie down just to let her be in charge of the Sunny Bay Project. In a banquet at the hotel, he nonchalantly opened the can of coconut juice for her. Apart from that, at the party held by the Hart Group, he protected her so that she would not be hurt. Then, she remembered the gentle way he taught her golf at the driving range. When Sean, Lyla and Eve wanted to push the blame to her, Tony had stopped that from happening.

There were many incidents which involved him that she could not even remember. Now that Myra looked back, they only knew each other for two months, but they shared many memories together.

Tears suddenly swam in her eyes as she shook his hand before she spoke in a gentle tone, “I just feel that I don’t have to tell him. He’s nothing to me now and he doesn’t need to know about my matters anymore.”

Perhaps her explanation had calmed Tony down, so he slowed down on the speed of the car. Initially, it was Myra who held onto his hand, but he grabbed her hand and pinched her palms.

“So, when do we become official?” he carelessly asked.

Myra blinked. Soon, she understood what he meant, but she pouted. “I don’t understand.”

The car suddenly stopped. Then, she heard him releasing his safety belt. In the next instant, she was being pressed down while seated on the front passenger seat.

Right in front of her was Tony’s face. On the bridge of his straight nose, his profound, dark eyes looked at the woman who played dumb with slight passion.

“You don’t understand me?” Tony seemed to be gritting his teeth.

The distance between them was so close that Myra felt that their breaths were mixed with each other. She soon blushed as she pushed his sturdy chest away. “Tony, you are still driving. What are you doing? Hmm!”

Immediately, her open lips were blocked by the man in front of her.

His kiss was domineering and direct. He did not give her any opportunity to take a breath as he sucked on her lips. Meanwhile, his arms were tightly circled around her thin waist and the temperature from his hands seemed to be scorching her body.

Myra’s body suddenly jolted and softened in front of him.

“Myra, you like me,” Tony suddenly said in a low and hoarse voice.

His words were mixed into the kiss and his hot breath made Myra’s heart flutter.


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