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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 20

“I was the one who changed it for you.” Mrs. Somerfields smiled kindly. “You were sweating heavily, so it was not suitable for you to continue wearing your clothes. Come on down for breakfast—I bet you must be hungry. By the way, I’ve already placed the toiletries that you might need in the washroom. Yours is the pink set.”

A peculiar feeling rose within Myra. No matter how she thought about it, it didn’t seem right to wake up in the room of an unfamiliar man. Nevertheless, she still remembered what happened last night when she had a fever. After a moment of hesitation, she asked, “W-Where is Director Hart now?”

“Mr. Tony went for a jog. He will return soon.”

Myra froze for a moment before she quickly got up. As she didn’t know how to face Tony later, she planned to leave before he got back.

She could clearly feel that she had gotten much better, and her head did not feel as dizzy as the day before.

After she changed into her clothes, she entered the washroom and froze once again.

There were two sets of toiletries in the washroom—a blue set and a pink set. It was perfectly fine to have two sets of toiletries in the washroom, as Mrs. Somerfields had mentioned just now that the pink set was prepared for her.

However, what was weird was the position of the toiletries set. The two mugs were next to each other, both the toothbrush faced each other and the towels were also placed on top of one another.

This looks too much like a couple set….

Myra blushed again, but this time around she quickly suppressed her thoughts.

Perhaps Mrs. Somerfields thinks that this arrangement looks better.

She did not dare to take the towel, so she merely brushed her teeth and washed her face. When she turned around, she was distracted by a black underwear which did not match the room’s aesthetic. It was a huge, luxurious bathroom, yet there was a clothesline in the middle with a black underwear on it.

Myra’s flushed as red as a tomato. She quickly averted her gaze and left Tony’s bathroom as if she was escaping from something.

Mrs. Somerfields planned to ask her to stay for breakfast, but she politely rejected the offer.

Myra quickly tidied her belongings and planned to leave after she took her handbag.

Just as she walked to the doorway to put on her shoes, the front door of the unit was suddenly opened by someone from the outside.

She raised her head and immediately saw a pair of black, profound irises.


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