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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 217

“We were lucky you were there last night. I dragged Tilly into the mess; fortunately, she’s fine.”

Elliot chuckled but he changed the topic swiftly and they started chatting about something else. Myra, however, did not notice the cunning and mischievous sparkle flash through his eyes.

During their journey, she phoned Tony to remind him to take care of his health. She advised him to have his dinner on time while instructing him to head back to the Hart Residence after work.

Well, Miss Ivy’s speech has left an impact today. He is a career-oriented man in his thirties, and his stomach and lungs are not as healthy as they once were. I am sure that Old Madam Hart will take good care of him if he returns to the Hart Residence. There are more people there too, so he won’t feel lonely.

“Are you really not coming back tonight?” Tony asked again from the other end of the line. His voice was husky—he was most probably smoking out of boredom.

Myra glanced at Elliot—who was pretending to focus on driving—from the corner of her eyes. She cleared her throat lightly while keeping her voice down, and she turned away slightly as she murmured, “I’ll be back tomorrow and I’ll do everything you say then, alright?”

Her cheeks felt hot after saying that.

Tony, who was seated in his office chair, took a huge puff from the cigarette. Then, he narrowed his eyes while taping the cigarette butt. The frost in his long and narrow eyes melted, and a trace of a smile flashed in them as he hummed in agreement. “Give me a call if anything crops up.”

“I will.”

After listening to Myra using such a gentle and tender tone to speak with Tony while instructing him softly, Elliot had the sudden urge to have a relationship with a woman too. As for the woman I want… The figure of the woman, who was as enthusiastic as a puppy last night, popped into his mind. His mood lightened suddenly when he thought of how cute and sweet she was.

Soon, they arrived at the Stark Residence. Myra was just about to get out of the car when she suddenly thought of something, so she turned around to look at Elliot. “Young Master Elliot, do you have business ties with the Chase Group?”

Elliot wasn’t expecting such a question from her, so he froze for a beat. However, he shook his head immediately. “That’s impossible; I’d rather take a detour with my eyes closed when it involves the Chase Group. How could I possibly have any business ties with them?”

Most importantly, I’d like to live a long life. Why would I have any business with that sc*mbag behind Tony’s back?

Myra was confused. “In that case, have you lent this car to someone else?”

“Why?” Elliot immediately went on the alert but he maintained a casual façade.

“Well, it’s just that I saw a similar car in Bradfort City,” Myra answered and she looked deep in thought.

“How is that possible? My car is the only one in the whole world! I would never lend my car to anyone else if they aren’t related to me!” Elliot explained hastily because it involved his love for his car and his dignity as well.

Without even thinking about it, Myra murmured, “Well, what if Tony is the one borrowing the car from you?”

After asking that, she felt that she was being foolish. In the end, she smiled at Elliot shyly. “Well, I was just checking. Don’t worry about it, though. I’ll get going now. Thank you! I’ll definitely treat you to a meal next time!”

Elliot kept his cool while waving at Myra and waited until she made her way into the Stark Residence’s courtyard.

Myra then thought to herself, In all honesty, it’s none of my concern who has driven that car. However, I keep noticing that car for some strange reason and I can’t help but feel that something is amiss. It’s probably due to the pressure I’ve felt in the company lately. Myra shook her head while staring at the familiar yet strange place in front of her, and she spaced out for a bit. This place used to have my best memories, but it also harbors my most painful memories too. She recalled the purpose of heading back today and she inhaled deeply; she rearranged her facial expression to maintain a blank façade when she marched forward.

Behind her, Elliot was feeling slightly anxious but he wasn’t sure why.

Myra was just asking about this car and to be honest, I’ve only lent it to Tony before. However, why did she ask about it? And so, Elliot phoned Tony since he couldn’t figure it out.


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