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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 29

After visiting the Hart Group, Elsie became especially serious about the Sunny Bay Project. She often worked overtime and late into the night, garnering countless praises.

On the other hand, after Myra’s demotion, she became Elsie’s assistant.

Myra knew that this was Sean’s way of making her life difficult while punishing her along the way. Eve was furious but Myra accepted it calmly.

“Photocopy these documents for me. Rearrange the data and hand them to me when you’re done. And Myra, do you even know how to prepare a cup of coffee? Don’t you know that you should add some sugar? Please bear in mind that you are just an assistant now; stop acting like a team leader! Be quick on your feet and carry out tasks efficiently. You are always so slow. Are you planning on accepting your salary for doing nothing?”

Myra accepted the folders from Elsie while tightening her grip, keeping quiet as she made her way to the photocopying machine.

Tilly approached her and commented indignantly, “Miss Stark, you were the designer who designed the Sunny Bay Project. Why is Elsie the one reaping the benefits now?”

Myra looked down as she muttered, “Tilly, don’t make such comments in the future anymore.”

“But Miss Stark…” Tilly pouted. “You are truly talented. Even if you aren’t in the Chase Group, you would flourish anyway else. Why do you want to stay as her subordinate and let her bully you? Could it be just for the sake of the Sunny Bay Project?”

“Something like that,” Myra answered vaguely.

Right now, the Sunny Bay Project is the only thing driving my empty life forward. Eve told me that this project is extremely important for the Chase Group, which has just started in the real estate business. I am just trying to make up for the guilt I feel in my heart.

The photocopy machine spitted out A4 papers with the pungent scent of ink, while Myra let her mind wander as she stared at the documents.

There was a meeting with the Hart Group in the afternoon. By noon, Elsie changed into a set of alluring Chanel workwear and applied seductive and thick makeup. In the end, Myra drove her to the Hart Group when it was time for the meeting.

Elsie knew from the beginning that Myra drove a white BMW Z4. Nevertheless, she snorted in disdain when she entered the car. “I wonder which man you slept with in exchange for the car,” she commented quietly.

From her point of view, Myra was just a working class person who had just graduated two years ago, so she could not possibly afford the car.

Myra pretended as though she hadn’t heard her.

Elsie came to a sudden halt when they arrived at the elevator entrance of the Hart Group’s tower. “Myra, you do not have to attend the meeting today with the Hart Group. Just wait for me at a random café outside. I will give you a call once I have discussed the matter with the Hart Group.”

Myra was stumped when she heard that. “M-Miss Foster, I am also involved in the Sunny Bay Project—”

“That is in the past and you are not needed in the future.” Elsie said distractedly as she checked her makeup in the reflection of the shut elevator doors. She smiled in satisfaction before she murmured, “Myra, you are just an assistant now. It is best that you do not embarrass yourself in front of the Hart Group with your status. We do not want the Hart Group assuming that the Chase Group is not taking the project seriously.”

Myra clenched her fists tightly at her sides but she maintained a blank expression. “However, if the design draft requires editing—”

“As your superior, do you think that I can’t even handle that?” Elsie cut Myra off while staring at her contemptuously.

The elevator arrived at the first floor and Elsie entered, her hips swaying sensually. She then shut the elevator doors without hesitating.

Myra looked at the elevator doors shutting gradually, her heart sinking.

Sean really knows how to torture me. He clearly knows that Elsie is treating me like an enemy, but he has arranged for me to work under her as her assistant.

Myra smiled bitterly and she turned around to leave.


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