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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 34

Elliot swallowed because he could already imagine his tragic end.

Everybody in the Hart Group all heard a heart-wrenching and desperate wail from the director’s office today.

When Myra returned to the Chase Group, the atmosphere felt odd.

She could sense that people were discussing something, but they pretended that they were attending to their own matters when she turned to look at them.

The strange atmosphere was even more intense when she returned to the Design Department.

Tilly approached Myra to give her the thumbs-up. “Miss Stark, you are awesome!”

Myra had an idea what Tilly was referring to, but she shook her head. “Fortunately, the Hart Group is fair in these matters. Otherwise, I might not even get the project back no matter how I explain myself.”

Tilly scanned the office before whispering to Myra, “Miss Stark, you not only secured the Sunny Bay Project. Did you know that Mr. Logan from the Hart Group phoned us earlier? He pointed out blatantly while heavily hinting that the Chase Group has been irresponsible by sending a blockhead to work with the Hart Group. After the business deal fell through, the blockhead had the audacity to blame somebody else. Mr. Logan said that the Hart Group is willing to give Chase Group another chance. However, the premise is that the producer of Chase Group’s design draft has to be the one in charge of the project!”

Myra was astonished because she did not intend to spare Elsie’s dignity when she explained the whole situation to Tony. However, it was her first time witnessing Tony’s forceful and vigorous actions. It was like what the rumors said—he was merciless.

“The Hart Group has labeled Elsie as a ‘blockhead’! You should have seen her face… Oh, my God! It was so entertaining!” Tilly added animatedly. “This is great! Miss Stark, you are in charge of this project now. Elsie went into the Design Department Director’s office earlier and she was severely reprimanded. I heard that the higher-ups are saying that the Design Department Director would be responsible to resolve this issue. From where I stand, I think Elsie wouldn’t stay long as the Leader of Team B!”

At the mention of the Design Director, it happened that his assistant showed up. The assistant announced that the Design Director had something to discuss with Myra.

Tilly urged Myra forward. “Quickly go! State your conditions in one go right now. It’s just in time to vent your frustrations!” She even gestured at Myra to pump her up.

Myra did not expect to take advantage of the situation at all. However, I can’t endure certain things anymore and I do not plan to suffer alone in silence!

When Myra entered the Design Director’s office, Elsie, who was still inside, turned abruptly. She stared at Myra with resentment. She looked as if her eyes would burn holes in Myra’s body.

On the other hand, Myra calmly walked into the office and she stood in front of the office desk. “Design Director, were you looking for me?”

Her confident and triumphant stance irritated Elsie to the point where her eyes turned bloodshot. “Myra, do you think that we don’t know how you managed to get the project back? I can’t even imagine how many men you had to sleep with to master your skills in bed. You took only one afternoon to change Mr. Logan’s mind by bedding him! You even stooped so low that you used me as a scapegoat!”

She suddenly charged at Myra, but the middle-aged man seated behind the desk shouted, “Elsie! Watch your mouth! This is a company; please don’t spout nonsense!”

“Did you say that I’m spouting nonsense?” Elsie’s make-up was already smeared, making her look like a mess. Nevertheless, that did not hide her distorted facial expression. “She kept flirting with Mr. Logan the last time she went to the Hart Group. Mr. Logan took the liberty to cater to her needs and the staff from the Hay Group witnessed that too! Design Director, I have nothing to say if you demote me! However, I will never agree if you remove my responsibilities toward the Sunny Bay Project!”

The Design Director felt like he was caught in a difficult position at that point. Everybody in the company knows that Elsie is having an affair with Director Chase. Director Chase most probably feels that this is a troublesome issue, which is why he pushed the matter for me to handle. Nevertheless, Hart Group was clear with their position, so I can’t afford to offend Myra.

After weighing his options, he smiled at Myra. “Myra, the company has undoubtedly let you down this time. We have decided to restore your position and let you take full charge of the Sunny Bay Project. However…” He smiled broadly. “Elsie had contributed immensely to this project too. It doesn’t seem reasonable to ask her to suddenly let go of this project. Let me suggest this—why don’t I arrange for Elsie to be your subordinate?” With that, Myra would have vented her frustration and I wouldn’t have dismissed Elsie’s last request.

“Design Director, I don’t mind whether or not I am in charge of this project,” she answered steadily.


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