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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 368

Tony had a good memory—he quickly recalled who Cameron was referring to in the Bridgers Family. Sebastian had once matchmade Tony with Belle, the Young Lady of the Bridgers Family. However, Tony had intentionally called Myra over just to keep Belle away from him back then.

“Make sure he doesn’t sell it…” Myra tugged onto Tony’s sleeve as she glanced at him frantically. The longing in her gaze that surfaced after she looked at her mother’s face in the video made one thing clear—Myra’s mind was an utter mess after she watched that video. All she thought of then was how guilty she’d feel toward her mother if Cameron were to sell the Stark Group off. Her breath quickened as she repeated herself. “Make sure he doesn’t sell the Stark Group off…”

Sebastian had been in a state of confusion as he watched everything happening, but he quickly realized what was going on when he heard what Myra said to Tony. Cameron was the one who sent this USB over, and he was also the one who just called moments ago. He may have claimed that his call was to tell them he’s about to sell the Stark Group, but he clearly has hidden motives. If Cameron had truly decided to sell the Stark Group, why would he have to send Myra such a video just to get her all emotional? “Calm down, Myra. Let Tony talk to him,” Sebastian uttered as he patted the back of Myra’s hand while throwing Tony a look.

Tony narrowed his eyes. “So, you ended my call last night and spent the whole night thinking, only to come up with such a plan?” Tony’s gaze darkened as he let out a scoff. “In that case, I’m afraid I can’t come to an agreement with you, President Stark. Of course, you and the rest of the board members may proceed to decide who the Stark Group is sold off to. Don’t worry; Myra is very supportive of this decision. Just let me know once you have discussed and decided on the details with Bridgers Corporation. I’ll contact them to negotiate a price for the shares that Myra owns after that.”

Cameron had voiced out his final plan in a well-practiced manner, and he had begun to feel a sense of excitement when he heard Myra losing control of herself on the other end of the call. He thought that he was about to succeed with his plan then, but he hadn’t expected Tony to completely ignore Myra’s feelings and agree to sell the Stark Group. His heart was pounding as he tried his best to speak in a calm voice. “Shouldn’t you ask Myra about this, President Hart? The shares belong to her, after all. She might blame you if you didn’t allow her to make the decision, and I don’t want to be turned into the villain when that happens.”

Tony raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to change your mind about selling the company if you get Myra’s opinion on this?”

Cameron nearly choked on his spit as a ball of rage formed in his chest. He had initially planned on forcing Myra into a situation where she would have to beg Tony to save the Stark Group. However, now that Tony had asked him such a question, he would completely expose his secret plan if he told Tony that he was open to changing his mind. Yet, if he said that he wasn’t going to change his mind, he was certain that Tony would just end his call on the spot. Any relief or joy that Cameron had felt moments earlier were gone, and the look on his face had turned into one of hatred and anger. Veins popped out of the back of his hand as he clenched onto his phone.

“Myra definitely supports your decision since you’ve already come to a conclusion, President Stark. I guess there’s no need for us to bother you anymore now,” Tony uttered before he ended the call.

Cameron’s face was twisted into a look of fury when he heard the beeping noise from the other end of the phone. With a single, abrupt motion, he slammed his cell phone against a corner of the room. The phone struck against the wall and split into pieces. “F*cking Tony! F*cking Myra…” Cameron shut his eyes. He felt a desperate urge to lose his temper and go crazy, and it took him a long while to finally calm his emotions down. All that was left on his face then was a look of exhaustion. This is my very last plan. If it doesn’t work…

Myra seemed to have calmed down a little while Tony and Cameron were talking on the phone, but she still approached Tony with a look of concern after he finally ended the call. “Is he really going to sell off the Stark Group?” Myra didn’t mind if the Stark Group faced financial struggles, as she trusted that Tony would be able to do something. But that didn’t mean that she was okay with seeing the Stark Group being sold off to someone else. She hadn’t expected Cameron to come to such a conclusion. If he really sold off the Stark Group… Myra felt her chest tightening at the thought of it.

“Hmph.” Sebastian scoffed before he stroked his beard and spoke in a wise and calm tone. “Do you think he’s going to sell the Stark Group off? Why would he send you this video if he was actually planning to do that?”

“Why?” Myra looked utterly lost for a moment. Her heart was still aching from the sight of her mother’s bright and twinkling eyes in the video. If only my mom were still here…


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