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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 370

Tony was worried that Myra might regret or feel guilty over something, and he wanted to make sure that she didn’t feel that way. Olivia is her sister, after all. I’ve run an investigation on Olivia and her mother’s personalities, and they are much better than Kris and Rachel. I wouldn’t have told Myra about Olivia otherwise. But I can’t do anything if Myra rejects this idea; I’ll just have to find another method to deal with that matter.

He placed an arm around her shoulder as he gave Leo a look. “You can send our lunch to the lounge. We’ll eat here. I’ll also need you to deal with the young girl outside.”

“Okay.” Leo nodded and turned to head out while Myra and Tony strode over to the lounge. Right before they stepped foot into the lounge, Myra halted her footsteps. Her expression was one of conflict and indecisiveness. She bit onto her lip before she looked up at Tony. “Are you saying that they didn’t know who Cameron was in the start? That Cameron had lied to both of them?”

Tony froze for a moment, but a hint of amusement quickly flickered across his gaze as he nodded. “Yeah. Cameron approached them under the disguise of a regular man, and he even had a child with that woman. I’m sure of this because I looked into this case myself.”

“Did you say that the woman’s brain cancer is in its final stages?” Myra took a deep breath.

“That’s what the medical reports have indicated so far. But the woman still doesn’t know about it—I guess the girl must have hidden it from her mother. She’s probably here today to ask you for help,” he replied.

Myra clenched her fists and pressed them into the sides of her thighs as a series of complicated emotions filled her gaze. I’d feel like I’m betraying my mom if I helped Olivia and her mother, but… Myra heaved a long sigh. “Fine. I’ll go out and meet her.” She wouldn’t have felt compelled to do anything if it hadn’t been for the fact that the woman had brain cancer. She wouldn’t have cared about the quality of their lives at all. However, the thought of them hiding from Cameron while struggling to pay for their medical fees…

“Maybe I won’t go out at all. Just give her the money and tell her… to go back and take good care of her mother.” Myra changed her mind after some more hesitation.

Tony burst into laughter when he saw how conflicted she looked. “Olivia came today, mainly because she wanted to ask for help for her mother’s expensive medical bills. You don’t need to see her if you can’t bring yourself to do it—I’ll just get Leo to wire her the money needed. I’ll also tell Olivia to contact Leo if she needs anything else. How does that sound?”

“…Good.” Myra lowered her gaze. She felt like all her thoughts were still jumbled up.

Tony gently massaged her temples as he led her into the lounge. “You were on the phone for so long this morning. Who were you talking to?” He was worried that Olivia’s appearance would ruin Myra’s mood, so he attempted to shift her attention away.

Myra simply shook her head when she thought about the calls she had been on that morning. “It’s just a few of the Stark Group’s shareholders. They’re asking to re-elect the chairperson of Stark Group, and they are all supportive of me taking over.”

“What do you think about that?” Tony smiled.

Myra frowned a little. “There’s no use. Even if we combined all of our shares, we still wouldn’t have enough to go against Cameron’s power.”

“This is all temporary,” Tony uttered in an oddly calm voice. Myra didn’t sense anything odd about his words, and she nodded when she assumed he was trying to cheer her up. “I know. We’ll see how many of the Stark Group’s shareholders switch over to my side as time goes on.”

Tony stroked her hair fondly. “You should get some rest after lunch. I have a meeting in the afternoon, and I want to bring you somewhere once I’m done.”

She thought about this for a moment before she pulled out the key that had been in her purse. “Is this the place that you’re bringing me to?” she asked as she swung the key in between their faces. He held onto her hand and kissed the back of it, all while fixing his gaze on Myra’s dark and twinkling pupils. “Yeah.” He smiled.

“You’re really getting naughtier nowadays, Tony. Isn’t it just a normal place? Why are you acting all secretive and mysterious? Are you giving me a villa or something?” She eyed the key. It was the only possibility she managed to think of.

He raised his eyebrows as a curious expression formed on his stunning face. “Do you want a villa?”

“I was just making a random guess. Why don’t you tell me where we’re going?” she asked.


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