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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 388

Everyone relaxed a little now that the matter was solved for the most part. Myra darted Elliot an angry look, prompting Tony to hold her tighter.

Myra didn’t know how things were going, but the news was soon updated on her cell phone. The money-laundering activities carried out by the Walton Family of the Bradfort City had been exposed. Moreover, it was reported that the Walton Family was suspected of smuggling, drug trafficking, and even murder, so the police had launched an investigation.

It took less than two months from the moment the Walton Family made the preparations until the moment they executed their plans, yet they recklessly created a lot of disturbance in Bradfort City, this caused everyone in the city to feel insecure for a moment. Many of those who had contact with the Walton Family started to dissociate themselves from the family, and it was even reported that the three men of the Walton Family had been taken to the police station for questioning. The big family that had been expanding rapidly in Bradfort City collapsed in a short time, and all its funds were frozen.

Upon reading these news reports, Myra learned why Cameron would be so panic-stricken. This was because it was later reported in the news that Cameron had been detained for questioning as well. Not only that, Kris and Myra—his daughters—were dragged into this because of him. Even though Myra was only mentioned as Cameron’s eldest daughter and the current fiancée of Tony Stark, the director of the Hart Group, such a brief description was sufficient enough to cause a lot of trouble. If Tony and his friends hadn’t been secretly helping Shawn with this case, both Myra and Tony would’ve probably been taken to the police station for questioning too.

At this moment, Edward, Samuel, and Gideon were taken to the police station.

Gemma, who had just learned of the news, was totally clueless about what had happened. She only knew that the three of them had been planning something, but she thought that they were working hard to expand their company’s business. She didn’t know that they were involved in something like this!

“Mom, Mom… What should we do?!” The gauze on her face had been removed, but her wounds looked extremely terrifying since they hadn’t healed completely. However, she couldn’t care less about whether her face was good-looking or not at this moment.

Shelly’s face was full of panic and fear as well. Her daughter didn’t know these things because they had concealed this from her; after all, they feared that she couldn’t keep anything to herself with her temper. However, Shelly was aware of these things. Even so, they had always been steady and left nothing to chance, so what exactly had gone wrong?

Either way, I’ll have to seek help right away no matter what. As she tried hard to maintain her composure, she held her daughter’s hand. “Don’t get into a panic. Hurry up and call Ernie, your boyfriend, and see if he can do anything!”

Truth be told, Ernie and Gemma had only known each other for a few days; Gemma knew that her relationship with him had not progressed to the point where he would help them at such a time. However, she could only turn to him first at this moment.

She immediately called Ernie. Since they had a bit of an argument last time, she assumed an extremely mild manner this time. “Are you free right now, Ernie? Something has happened to me over here, so I’d like to ask you… Hello? Hello? Hello?” Before she could finish her sentence, the other end immediately disconnected the call—she could no longer get through to him when she called him again. She looked at her cell phone in disbelief and said, “Mom, Ernie hung up on me and is refusing to answer my phone calls!”

Upon hearing Gemma’s words, Shelly slumped to the ground at once. “Oh, no! We’re finished! Gemma… we’re really doomed this time…”

Since marrying into the Walton Family, Shelly slowly learned a lot about the history of how the Walton Family built up its wealth, of which smuggling and drug trafficking were naturally inevitable aspects of it. However, the Walton Family had been concealing it very well. On the outside, the family’s company looked just like a typical large company, so no one could get anything on the family at all.


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