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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 394

Despite the complicated look in Myra’s eyes, she didn’t put out her hand immediately. “This document…”

When she saw that Myra seemed unhappy, Olivia became nervous at once. She thought to herself, Would Myra think that I’ve gone too far by doing this? I sent the document over despite knowing that it was never mine and my mom’s in the first place; would she misunderstand me because of this? “I don’t mean anything else. Myra… Miss Stark…” Fearing that she might have addressed Myra in an overly familiar way, she addressed Myra in a more formal way despite her disappointment. Then, she held the document out further to Myra. “This isn’t mine and my mom’s in the first place—this is yours. I’m only bringing this to you in hopes that this might be of help to you…”

As she noticed how the little girl’s face flushed and blanched by turns in trepidation, Myra felt sorry for her for a moment. After all, this girl and her mother were innocent. After looking at this document, she gave a sigh. “Just keep this document yourself.”

Upon hearing this, the few people next to her were startled for a moment. In particular, Olivia’s eyes reddened slightly in a matter of seconds. Since she didn’t know what to do, she only stared at Myra. “I’m sorry… I thought you needed it… I just… I just want to help you; I don’t mean anything else… Really… I’m sorry… Miss Stark…”

Upon seeing Olivia’s response, Myra was somewhat dumbfounded. It wasn’t until she turned around and saw the look of resignation in the eyes of the man next to her that she seemed to realize that the little girl in front of her seemed to have misunderstood her. Feeling both amused and saddened, she pulled out a piece of tissue and handed it to Olivia. “I don’t mean anything else as well. Since Cameron has given this document to you two as a present, you guys should keep it. Your mother is ill, isn’t she? Besides, you two need to live your lives in the future. The Stark Group is now in a predicament, but it will slowly get better very soon, so your lives could be better.”

“We don’t need this… Really!” Olivia didn’t blame Myra upon hearing the woman’s words. Her face cleared instantly, and she took the tissue and wiped her face carelessly. However, she insisted on giving Myra the document. “My mom and I are doing well, so we don’t need to make any changes in our lives using this document. Myra…” After calling Myra by her first name, she looked up nervously. Then, she asked timidly, “Can I call you ‘Myra’…”

Myra found it hard to describe the twinge in her heart; she felt as if someone had grabbed her heart and clenched it. She took a deep breath. Sensing that the man suddenly held her hand in a tight grip, she looked at Olivia and nodded her head slowly. “Yeah.”

Upon hearing Myra’s reply, Olivia looked much happier. Even her speech sounded breezier as she looked into Myra’s eyes and said sincerely, “My mom and I aren’t as well-off as before during the year we spent living outside, but we’re very happy, Myra. We aren’t from a wealthy and influential family in the first place, so we don’t have to take these things and live the kind of life that we are unaccustomed to. You and Tony have helped us greatly, so we can’t keep this document to ourselves, Myra.” After that, she looked to Tony for help.

Tony hummed and wrapped his arm around Myra’s shoulders. Then, he whispered in her ear, “Actually, you don’t have to accept this document, Myra.”

Upon hearing this, Olivia got a little anxious. She wanted to say something, but Tony immediately stopped her from saying what she wanted to say. “Putting this document at your sister’s disposal will produce the same effect. She won’t be at ease if you give this to her, so why don’t you two meet each other halfway?”

Olivia bit her lip. “We don’t need this document, though…”

“Your sister doesn’t need it either.” Tony smiled kindly. “Your sister has me on her side. Can’t I make up for that document?”

When he heard this, Sebastian—who had been watching the drama from the side with great interest—looked at that shameless grandson of his. He was speechless.

Olivia hesitated for a moment, but Tony comforted her and said, “Your mother has to spend money, Olivia. She has been hospitalized right now, and she might develop complications or other symptoms in the future. Even if she makes a full recovery, she will need to recuperate—that’ll cost a lot of money. With this document, your mother will have some relief every time she spends money.” Seeing that she still wanted to say something, he shook his head and continued, “Trust me. She doesn’t want to be your burden, and the money you make by doing odd jobs can’t even cover her medical expenses.”

Olivia’s face reddened slightly. Not knowing what to do for a moment, she could only look at Myra again.


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