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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 397

Myra looked forward to the future, and she worked with the flowers as she pleased. Since she was a designer, she possessed some talent in this aspect.


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Time flew by as she worked with the flowers while letting her mind wander, and it didn’t take long before it was lunchtime. Thinking that it was boring to have lunch alone, she packed her lunch and brought it to the hospital, for she planned to have lunch with Alicia and Olivia.

Alicia’s mental condition had improved a little, whereas Olivia was delighted about Myra’s arrival. Secretly, she was eager to be close to her sister. “Sorry for troubling you, Myra.” She was very courteous.

Myra looked at Olivia with gratification; she even thoughtfully brought a nutritionally rich soup here since Alicia needed to build up her health. “You don’t have to stand on ceremony with me. You have to take good care of yourself as well.” Seeing how thin and frail Olivia looked, she thought that Olivia needed some nourishment as well. Olivia is growing up, so she mustn’t suffer from any diseases due to malnutrition.

After the three of them had lunch, Myra took Olivia to the school right away. Then, they went to the school principal’s office before afternoon classes began to discuss Olivia’s schooling issues.

Myra was explicit about her intentions—she wanted Olivia to attend school as soon as possible. After all, Olivia hadn’t attended school for a long time, so no one knew how far she lagged behind in her studies.

At the school principal’s repeated assurance, Myra accompanied Olivia to Class 7-C. Standing outside the classroom, she watched as Olivia introduced herself in front of the blackboard in a natural and poised manner. Finally, I can breathe a sigh of relief this time. Now that Olivia’s schooling problems are solved, the rest will depend on Olivia herself.

With that, she turned around and left; she was in a rush to go to the school’s entrance since Tony’s car had been waiting there. The fact that he would always show up at the right time made her feel particularly comfortable. As she walked out of school, she looked at Tony’s car with a smile on her face; it looked as though she hadn’t seen him in ages. Inwardly, she was a bit delighted.


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As the car window rolled down, Tony gave Myra—who was a short distance away from him—a faint smile. Indeed, his handsome face had a charm that made one’s heart palpitate. After getting out of the car, he thoughtfully opened the car door for Myra in a clear display of concern and care. “Did everything go well?” His attractive voice rang as soon as they got into the car.

“Yeah, Olivia likes this school very much.” Myra had always believed in Tony’s taste, and this school did have a nice learning environment.

“Well then, I’ll take my baby’s mother to the hospital for a thorough checkup after this.” Tony’s smile broadened. Before he realized it, the baby was already three months old.

As she stroked her belly, Myra hoped that no problems would arise during her checkup. The baby must take in nutrients and grow up healthily in its mother’s womb, she thought to herself.

They had made an appointment beforehand with a specialist, and Myra was examined in a very meticulous manner. On the other hand, Tony and Myra were very patient, for they wanted to know more about the baby in her womb.

After the checkup, the specialist asked them to wait for a while; it took some time before the results came out. Even though a special lane had been opened to them so that priority would be given to the couple, the results couldn’t possibly come out at once.

Myra and Tony sat casually in the specialist’s office. There wasn’t a lot of verbal exchange between them, but when their eyes met occasionally, they would look at each other with a sweet smile.

The medical test results came out soon after that. As they expected, the indicators were within their normal range, meaning that the baby was in a good condition. This was worth celebrating, and Tony looked even happier than Myra. He kept wearing a faint smile on his face as if the baby would be born the next day.

When they got back into his car, Myra said to Tony, “Are you going back to your office now, Tony?” He had been unusually busy lately, and accompanying her to the prenatal checkup had kept him for a long time.

Tony looked at Myra meaningfully as his mouth curved into a playful smile. “Are you reluctant to let me go back, Myra?”

“No, that’s not the case. I’m just afraid that I might have kept you for too long,” Myra replied sincerely. She felt a bit guilty since Tony was so busy, and she couldn’t help him at all.

“Don’t think too much about it.” Tony seemed to have read Myra’s thoughts, for he reached out and patted her head with deep affection in his eyes. Then, he pretended to say unintentionally, “I have to give myself some time off this afternoon after busying myself day and night these days.”

Puzzled, Myra looked at Tony. She didn’t know what he was up to again, but it was apparent that Tony had set aside some time to keep her company. “What about your company?” she asked cautiously. She couldn’t help feeling that Tony shouldn’t put off his work because of her, yet she hoped that he could spend more time with her. What a paradoxical state of mind this is!

“Don’t worry, there’s no problem. The company will operate as usual without me, so let me be lazy once in a while,” Tony replied while starting up his car. He then continued, “Next, we’ll be going to the northern part of the city.”

Myra blinked her eyes. She didn’t know why Tony suddenly wanted to go to the northern part of the city, and this made her think that he was hiding a little secret from her that day. “Why are we going to the northern part of the city?” she asked in puzzlement.

“You’ll know once we’re there,” Tony replied while keeping her in suspense.

Tony drove very steadily along the way at a moderate speed. After all, it was inappropriate to drive too fast with a pregnant woman in the car. Tony had always paid great attention to such details, and it was precisely how he won Myra’s heart.

Myra tried to pump some clues out of him along the way, but he said nothing—this made him even more curious. “Why are you taking me there, Tony?” Myra almost died of curiosity, yet he kept wearing a trace of a smile that looked secretive.


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