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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 411

The car was driven smoothly on the road and soon came to a stop at the entrance of Hart Residence. As Heather was always thoughtful, she had brought along some gifts out of courtesy. She lifted her head to marvel at the residence. It was an unpretentious and humble mansion. Indeed, the Hart Family didn’t need a glamorous appearance to attract the others.

From the moment Heather got out of the car, she had been wearing a standard, courteous smile as if she was here to attend an important banquet.

“Relax. You’re making me nervous too with that serious look,” Myra murmured next to Heather’s ear.

“I don’t dare to ease up because I don’t want to embarrass you,” Heather said decorously while still wearing a smile on her face.

Just then, Tony came out to welcome them and took Myra’s hand from Heather. Then, they intertwined their fingers, so Heather inevitably had to witness their public display of affection.

“Welcome to Hart Manor,” Tony said amiably. He sincerely wanted to establish a good relationship with Heather.

“Nice to meet you again, Director Hart.” Heather was extremely polite.

On the other hand, Myra didn’t wish to see them being this formal with each other because one of them was her partner while the other was her close friend.

“Come on in!” Myra pulled her hands out from Tony’s clutch and held Heather’s arm again. Heather came alone to the Hart Residence as a guest, so of course Myra wanted to support her.

Tony glanced at his hand which was shoved away by Myra and then retracted it forlornly. I guess I won’t understand women’s friendship.

“Your residence is very beautiful,” Heather praised as she gazed at the exterior of the mansion. She thought it was much more aesthetic than the extravagant ancient bungalow of the Langstons’.

“Thank you. It’s an old residence,” Tony said humbly.

With that, the two of them started being polite to each other again, and it went on and on. Meanwhile, the old Hart couple were awaiting the guest’s arrival in the living room.

Sebastian’s eyes lit up the moment he saw Heather. With a pair of alluring eyes, Heather had an aura which resembled that of Robert Langston when he was young, and she looked beautiful and delicate in her plain dress.

“Nice to meet you, Old Mr. and Mrs. Hart,” Heather said sweetly. It was a courtesy and act of respect to address the elders.

“You must be Heather. Come over here. What a beautiful girl.” Lisa quickly called Heather to her side.

Heather sat gracefully beside Lisa while Myra sat next to Heather. It seemed like Lisa was pretty fond of Heather.

Sebastian too kept observing Heather with mixed emotions reflected in his eyes. Heather wore a sweet smile all the time and did not show enmity toward the Hart Family at all. It seems like she has really not taken to heart the grudge between the Harts and the Langstons.

“I heard from Tony that you and Myra have been friends for over a decade. How sweet of you both!” Behaving overly affectionate, Lisa couldn’t help holding Heather’s hand, but she soon realized her action was inappropriate so she quickly let go of Heather while looking awkward. Looking at Heather, Lisa was reminded of the days when she was young and pretty, during which there were often two gentlemen following her around.

Those were the good old days which Lisa reminisced even though she could only recall fragments of scattered memories now that she had aged.

Nonetheless, Heather didn’t show the slightest bit of discomfort, and her sincerity had won favor from the old couple as she said politely, “Thanks for the scrumptious dinner. I’m very honored. I’ve prepared some gifts for you, let me go get them from the car.” Heather changed the topic and was going to present the gifts that she had prepared. She had indeed prepared some gifts before coming to the Harts, but for some reason, she didn’t bring them in when she got out of the car just now.

Myra looked at Heather in puzzlement as she didn’t understand Heather’s intention. Tony too was perplexed as he thought Heather was a strange woman.

“You’re too kind, but you don’t have to do that. It’s just a casual dinner.” Lisa gazed at Heather in a loving manner as she was extremely fond of her.

On the other hand, Sebastian was rather disturbed by the scene because he was worried that his wife was still thinking of the Langston Family. Due to my insistence, I’ve not made up with Old Man Langston all these years. Lisa must be hoping for the two families to be on good terms again.

“It’s my first time visiting, so please don’t reject my gifts,” Heather said with a smile while casting a glance at Sebastian.

In a very short time, Heather could already tell that Lisa held no grudge against the Langstons, but Sebastian was still stubborn. Like her grandfather, none of them were willing to take the first step to patch things up.


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