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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 428

On the other side, Matthias was doing all he could to calm Robert down—even if it was temporary. The person who is feared the most in the Langston Family is Robert. If the old man really wants to make a move, he’ll be even harder to deal with than Heather.

Meanwhile, Heather and Myra were both done with their meals, so Heather drove Myra home with her car. By the time Heather finally returned to the Langston Residence, it was already late.

It was almost time for dinner, but she hid in her room because she didn’t plan to go downstairs for dinner. Luckily, she had bought some snacks on the way back, so she lay down on the couch and munched on the snacks.

When Robert entered, she was biting the crunchy snacks with hatred, as if the snacks were Matthias and Blake.

“Grandpa, why are you here?” The moment Heather realized that Robert was here, she quickly threw aside the snacks because she found her actions embarrassing.

Looking at the snacks on the coffee table, he revealed an understanding smile. It has been a long time since I last saw her eating snacks. She only eats junk food like a crazy person when she is mad at something.

“Are you still angry?” He could see that she was exasperated, but at the same time, she looked adorable by being childish. I haven’t seen her this angry for a long time and kind of miss it a bit.

“No.” However, Heather was a stubborn child who refused to admit that she was angry.

“Are you really going to lie that you aren’t angry?” Robert found a chair before sitting opposite her. Ever since she was an adult, she rarely expressed her true emotions as she always appeared to be well-behaved in front of him.

She was obviously a short-tempered person who always suppressed her true feelings, but he could see everything with his own eyes. She has really suffered growing up in the Langston Family. I can only blame myself for not giving her more protection. Besides, there are many things that were out of my control.

These days, his control over the Langston Family was getting weaker by the day. It wasn’t easy to run an entire clan and as he slowly became older, his body couldn’t keep up with the work. As a result, he was powerless on many things.

“Grandpa, it’s time for dinner. Why aren’t you heading downstairs to eat?” Heather asked after looking at the time. It’s fine for me to skip a meal, but I don’t want Grandpa to do the same.

“My anger has taken my appetite away,” Robert uttered in resignation. He was enraged by Blake and he still couldn’t make a decision on Matthias of his doubts toward the latter.

“Grandpa, don’t be mad.” Heather took the initiative to approach him. “I’m an adult now, which means that I can protect myself. You don’t need to be worried about me all the time,” she said lovingly. Grandpa’s health is getting worse by the day. I don’t want him to keep on worrying about me. As the two of them had a chat, she still insisted that Robert head down for dinner. “You’ve already skipped lunch, so you can’t skip dinner unless you are immortal.” It was with displeasure when she said those words. Sometimes, the elders weren’t much different from children as they also needed someone to coax them.

“I’m not hungry, so I can’t eat at the moment.” Robert emphasized that he wasn’t hungry. His appetite wasn’t never good to begin with, so it wasn’t a surprise that he couldn’t eat anything after the commotion.

“Then, I’ll make some porridge for you.” She prepared to head to the kitchen and personally cook for him—just what she did before. In the past, she would personally cook his favorite dishes to please him.

However, he pulled Heather back to her seat. “I really can’t eat anything. Please stop torturing me.” Actually, he only wanted to have a chat with her, but all of her focus was on him not eating.

“Grandpa, you are old now, but why are you more difficult to take care of than a child? What if your glucose level drops to a dangerous level because you skipped your meals?” With a slightly harsh tone, she looked at Robert with displeasure.

Heather was the only one who remembered that he had hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is much more terrifying to an elderly than a young man. If the condition is severe, it can even lead to a shock or coma, so he needs to be more aware of his condition.

“The snacks on your table look delicious. Can I have some?” Robert revealed a kind smile while he reached out for a potato chip.

Heather’s eyes widened instantly as she quickly snatched the bag of potato chips over and scolded, “Grandpa, you can’t eat these! These are all junk food.”

She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He really is a naughty child.

“I can see that you don’t actually like it.” Robert reached out for the crisp noodles again as he completely defied Heather.

However, she was able to snatch it. “Grandpa, can you stop fooling around with me?” At that moment, she was on the verge of tears. What is Grandpa doing today?

“This is discrimination. Why can young people like you eat this while I can’t?” Robert was displeased because he was restricted from eating a lot of things due to his current health.

“These things aren’t beneficial to you at all. I’m begging you—please don’t even touch it.” Heather gathered all the snacks on the table together and held them tightly, as if she was protecting the food.

After he fooled around with her, her gloomy emotions had dissipated. Therefore, she knew that her grandfather was using his own way to cheer her up.

There were times when she would wonder why Lisa had chosen Sebastian instead of a considerate man like her grandfather back then because her impression of Sebastian was a stubborn old man.


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