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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 430

The manager looked at Heather in aggrievement as he had never dealt with such a difficult woman before. As he wiped the sweat on his forehead, Matthias’ orders were still in his phone and he wouldn’t dare to defy orders.


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“I’m sorry, Miss Langston, but you can see that we have already started. It will be difficult for us to stop now.” The manager almost cried as he looked at her. A fully grown man was now on the verge of tears because of her.

Then, she looked at him with displeasure. “Then, take my money.” Quickly, she opened another check and this time, she was exceptionally generous as she waved a check worth 500,000 in front of him.

However, he didn’t even bat an eye on the check as he continued to beg her. “Miss Langston, please stop getting me in trouble. If I accept your money today, Director Locke will fire me. I have a family to raise and jobs like this don’t come easily for me. Miss Langston, can you please help me?”

Heather was immediately startled by his sudden plea. What should I do now? I can’t make him lose his job, right? Even though I’m not a saint, judging from Matthias’ personality, this is definitely something he will do.

After looking at the manager’s aggrieved face, she withdrew her check. Overall, I’m still no match against Matthias’ ruthlessness. I can only owe him this one. So what? He did this willingly. What a pervert! She didn’t appreciate what Matthias had done because she only felt that his entire mind was really twisted. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. However, as she thought about it, she realized that he wanted her to be angry, so instead, she thought about how fortunate she was that she didn’t hit anyone else. Even after hitting his car, he still wanted to pay for the repairs, which helped to save me a few hundred thousand. On the bright side, this is great! She wasn’t going to let him get to her head, so she composed herself before happily keeping the check away.

“Alright. I won’t make things difficult for you. I’m going to have a meal now, so I’ll come to collect my car later on.” Heather politely smiled. I won’t let him get to me. I’ll just see this as him wasting his money to torture himself.

Therefore, she found a nearby restaurant and ordered something to eat. When she was hungry, she was still thinking about the delicious food, but she suddenly thought of Myra. I wonder what she is doing at the moment. And what is it with that headache of hers? She seemed to have that headache only when meeting Matthias, which means that it has something to do with him. However, she and Myra didn’t dare to say anything about it—even though Myra was perfectly fine before she met him.


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As for Myra forgetting who Matthias was, Heather was still puzzled about it. Judging from Myra’s previous relationship with him as his puppy love, she shouldn’t have forgotten him. I must get to the bottom of this. Therefore, she immediately called Myra, asking her out for a meal.

In the meantime, Myra was busy with the Stark Group. This time, Cameron didn’t have any chance to retaliate, so she was able to easily acquire the Stark Group within a few days.

Therefore, she was now busy dealing with the company handover and didn’t have the time to accompany Heather. Upon hearing that everything was going well, Heather was happy for her.

After Heather was done with her meal, it was still too early for her to retrieve her car since it wasn’t done yet. For a moment, she didn’t know where to go, so she found a place to drink coffee. Again, she was alone, and it usually came with its disturbance.

Looking outside the window and her surroundings, she noticed that there were couples everywhere, which made her feel lonely for some reason. After experiencing so much, she actually became a loner after leaving her bustling school life.

Whenever she was alone, she would suddenly have the desire for excitement inside her heart, but at the same time, she hated the vain excitement among people. Is it happier to be lonely among a group of people?

While she stared at the cup in front of her, she remembered her past when she did all she could to drive Matthias away from Myra.

It was during that rainy night when Heather drove Matthias away after he rushed all the way to care for Myra. At that time, Myra had a fever and her consciousness was in a daze, so she didn’t know the despicable things that Heather had done.

Ever since that day, there wasn’t any news of him at all and no one knew what he experienced during that rainy night.

As for Myra, she felt upset for a period after she finally recovered. However, with Heather beside her, she slowly turned over a new leaf. After that, they rarely mentioned Matthias, but Heather couldn’t figure out how Myra managed to completely forget him.

She faintly remembered that Myra seemed to have fallen down the stairs before because of her stepmother. Is that why she has forgotten Matthias? Is it because her brain has sustained injuries after that fall? Why does it have to be Matthias who is forgotten, though? Why does it have to be her memory with Matthias?

Heather just couldn’t wrap her head around the fact. If you can’t understand something, you either leave it for tomorrow or completely forget it. Therefore, she put down the cup of coffee in her hand as it was about time to get her car. I can’t stay here and waste my time.

Thinking about it, Heather immediately rose to her full height to open the door of the coffee shop with a bright smile on her face. The sun is perfect. Everything is perfect, so why should I worry this much? It’s quite nice to be alone.

The moment she went back to the repair shop, Matthias happened to be waiting for her inside. Her good mood was instantly completely gone at his sight. I can’t believe it’s him again. I think I should find some time to pray more so that this evil man can stay far away from me.

“Miss Langston, what a coincidence!” His menacing smile and charming eyes were useless toward her.

“What a coincidence!” Heather replied resignedly.


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