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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 434

Since Josiah had already mentioned it, Heather knew there was no point to insist and nodded her head instead. “Thanks for the invitation, Mr. Safford. You’re too kind!” She was quite keen to show her amiability, so she naturally didn’t reject his invitation for lunch. Besides, it had been quite some time since she last tasted a home-cooked meal prepared by an elder. Ever since she was a young child, her parents had never cooked a single meal for her.

Right after he left the living room, Paige, who was seated next to Heather, fidgeted nervously. She looked as if she had something to say, which piqued Heather’s curiosity.

Compared to her father, Paige was much more impulsive. She was the typical business executive; although being frank was a good quality, it was more important to be cryptic when dealing with business affairs. As such, it was evident that she could only succeed in the role of being Heather’s deputy.

Even more so, Paige was not as independent as Leon. From the looks of it, she had a lot more room to improve on. Nevertheless, Heather’s main intention today was to entice Josiah to join the team. Of course, in order to entice him, Paige was definitely the critical point.

“Heather, my dad still has his concerns,” Paige mentioned with hesitance on her face.

Heather pondered, I’m sure there’s a story behind this. I must coax this out of Paige.

“That’s fine, I understand,” she answered with an air of nonchalance. She was quite sure that with Paige by her side, it wouldn’t take long for Josiah to agree to join the team.

“In the past, our family corporation had faced bankruptcy due to one of his mistakes. This came as a huge blow to him and he still blames himself for that, even up till now. That’s why he’s indecisive about re-entering the corporate world. He’s just afraid that he’ll ruin things.” Paige frankly revealed his concerns to Heather as she no longer regarded the latter as a stranger.

As soon as Heather heard that, she looked at Paige solemnly and replied with a regretful tone, “I didn’t expect that he had such an unfortunate past. It’s my fault for being too eager to achieve my goal.” Heather didn’t mind returning to persuade him as she had plenty of patience to deal with him.

Originally, she was quite desperate to start the company as soon as possible, but now that everything had come together all at once, she had made up her mind to slow down. She was no longer anxious to gain the Staffords’ support. As long as they didn’t reject her outrightly, she was quite happy to take her time and pursue them slowly.

Surprised by Heather’s easy-going attitude, Paige responded with a smile, “Don’t worry, I’ll definitely convince Dad to join us!” Evidently, Paige wanted to grab this opportunity. She thought of the shares offered by Heather and could practically see their chance of rebuilding their family corporation.

Although Paige currently held a job as a business executive with an annual salary that ran in the millions, she was well aware that the sum was peanuts compared to the annual income of a company and corporation.

“There’s no rush for that. Take your time. I think it’s better if he’s in a relaxed state. My only wish is for everyone to gladly join my team.” Heather made her point clear and she didn’t want to force people to join her since she was only after those who were willing.

During lunch at the Staffords, Josiah maintained his courteous attitude. He chatted with her about all of his interesting experiences and had plenty to share. He was quite knowledgeable too. Both of them had enjoyed their conversation very much. He even felt that she was more in sync with him than Paige was and the former managed to win his favor with her antics. She had always been skillful at winning the hearts of others with her subtle nuances in fact well-practiced on her part.

The three of them enjoyed their time chatting with each other. The taste of the food wasn’t their priority as they enjoyed the company more than anything else. Heather felt quite moved upon seeing the heartfelt affection Josiah and Paige had for each other.

She compared that to what she had experienced since young—she never had an amicable relationship with Stephen since young and because she was unable to defend herself when she was younger, she became his punching bag. As soon as she was old enough to stand up for herself, she became quite rebellious and her relationship with him soured then. As for Camille, she had always disregarded everything. No one realized how much Heather yearned to have an actual home.

After lunch, Heather left the Staffords’ house reluctantly. She turned to Paige and said, “Is it alright for me to come over tomorrow and keep Mr. Stafford company?” Heather knew it was not practical to take up any more of Paige’s working hours. Besides, she enjoyed chatting with Josiah, so visiting him as a younger generation should be acceptable.

“You’re most welcome here. Dad’s always complaining that he’s so bored of being home by himself all day long that he’s becoming senile as a result,” Paige jokingly remarked.

“There’s no need to send me off. I’ll be on my way now,” Heather replied as she looked at Paige.

It seems that Paige is the ambitious one in the family. Josiah seems quite content with what he currently possesses. I guess I can’t convince him to join the team even by increasing the number of shares for them. It’s all dependent on Paige now. I guess everything is dependent on Paige’s skills and Josiah’s affections for her. Heather was full of confidence at that moment because she always believed that things would be successful for those who prepared in advance.

Everyone had always assumed that she was extremely lucky, but no one saw the efforts she put in behind their backs. She was always well-prepared in everything she did and that was why she enjoyed success in most of her ventures.

She glanced at her cell phone and thought that it was still fairly early. Then, she dialed Matthias’ phone number.

He was at work when he received Heather’s phone call. Although he was slightly puzzled, he immediately answered the phone call.

“I’ll be there shortly to get my car.” On the phone, her voice sounded quite carefree and she seemed to be in good spirits.

“Sure, where should we meet?” Without mincing his words, he went straight to the point and asked for a place to meet..


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