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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 481

On the way to the office, Heather was still thinking about what Robert said in the morning. The deep meaning in his words was food for thought. In contrast to Robert, Blake’s tricks weren’t even worth mentioning. In fact, she felt like Robert was implying something to her.

She was unsure if she was overthinking, but she could vaguely feel that Blake was just putting up a guise. It seemed like even though Robert was old, he still had a big ambition.

It appeared that Bradfort City was going to be lively in the near future. Both Locke Group and Hart Group weren’t one to be messed with, and Robert didn’t intend to get involved with any of them because he was planning to sit back and reap the benefits later.

No wonder he had been so angry today. Before this, Heather tried to get Langston Group and Hart Group to cooperate with each other, and now she was entangled with Locke Group.

At that moment, remorse welled up in her heart. She realized that she was only causing trouble to Robert. Although she didn’t want to compete with Blake for Langston Group, she still hoped that Langston Group would become stronger.

On her way, she made a decision that she was going to meet Matthias immediately to terminate that contract. She couldn’t be tied to him because of the contract, and she didn’t want to have anything to do with Locke Group anymore.

As she drove to Locke Group, she remembered what happened the last time and quickly dialed Matthias’ number. However, no one answered. She looked at the phone in her hand in distress, thinking that he must have run off again for a meeting about some important collaboration.

As such, she could only turn to Evan, who was shocked when he realized the call was from Heather. Immediately, he picked up.

From her conversation with him, she learned that Matthias had gone back to the Locke Residence at Tasnia City, and it was probably inconvenient for him to answer her call.

Frustrated, Heather stared at the phone. Meeting Matthias wasn’t an easy task. This time, he had gone a little further away than she thought, and it was unlikely that she would go straight there.

After ending the call, Evan immediately reported the matter to Matthias, who instantly replied. In fact, it wasn’t inconvenient for him to answer the phone. It was just inconvenient to answer her call at Locke Residence. After all, Heather was the female protagonist of the gossip Matthias was involved in.

“Tell Heather that I’ll be waiting for her at home in three days.” Matthias didn’t want to stay at Locke Residence any longer and was looking for an opportunity to leave.

The Locke Family had arranged an entire week worth of blind dates for him, which he felt was extremely insulting. He felt like he was being placed on the shelf like goods on a special sale. In fact, he didn’t even want to spare a glance at any of the women he was supposed to meet.

Furthermore, ever since he came back, he felt like his every move was being watched. Even going outside became a difficult task. When he wasn’t on a blind date, he would be in his room. He was even worried that they had bugged his room.

During his time at Locke Residence, he was tormented. There was no way he was going to obey them, and he didn’t have time to play games with them for a week.

Just then, Matthias, who was alone and sulking in his room, heard a knock on his door. He replied with disinterest, “Come in.” The only people who would dare to come to him at this hour were either the head of the Locke Family or the cousin whom Matthias disliked the most.

As expected, it was the head of the Locke Family. Matthias faintly glanced at him. In fact, he was the reason Matthias came back this time.

Seeing his sullen look, the head of the Locke Family comforted him. “Matthias, why didn’t you tell me that you have returned?” He still cared about Matthias and he didn’t want to force him like this, but unfortunately, he was no longer in control of the situation now.

“I can’t marry a random woman. I can’t do it,” Matthias said sullenly without looking at him.

Just then, the head of the family smiled lovingly as he approached Matthias and patted his shoulder. “I went through it too. Marriage isn’t always up to you.” He spoke as someone who had experienced the same thing.

“What a joke. The Locke Family is powerful. Do they really need this kind of alliance to be better?” Matthias looked at the head of the family with mockery in his eyes. He couldn’t agree with him at all since that was an outdated approach.

“The Locke Family does not give up any opportunity to take shortcuts,” the head of the family said profoundly. It was because of this exact trait that was causing each and every one of them to be unhappy.

Perhaps it was because life wasn’t as good as it should be, so they were all fully devoted to work. Hence, there were many workaholics in the Locke Family.

“I will never marry a woman I don’t love.” Matthias stared directly at the head of the family and emphasised each word like an oath and with determination.


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