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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 506

Heather’s car sped throughout the entire journey. Since she had never been treated like this by Robert before, she directed all her rage at her car.

Meanwhile, Blake’s heart leaped in his throat for her as he followed behind Heather’s car. Considering how fast her car was going, it would be strange if Heather didn’t get into an accident. He kept praying that nothing would happen to Heather, for Robert would certainly blame him if she got into one.

However, even if Heather didn’t care for her life while she was on the road, Blake still wanted to live to see tomorrow. Soon, he ended up lagging behind and eventually lost sight of her.

Blake thought that Heather must have returned to the Langston Residence, so he took a nearby shortcut and rushed over there. However, when he reached his destination, he saw no trace of her car. After waiting for her inside the house, there was still no sign of Heather even when Robert arrived. The first thing Robert asked was Heather’s whereabouts.

Blake looked at Robert, unable to tell the truth despite his troubled thoughts. All he could do was give a half-hearted, sloppy reply, telling the older man that Heather hadn’t returned to the Langston Residence yet.

Robert was already in a bad mood, and he immediately lost his temper upon hearing Blake’s answer.

“Blake, I told you to follow Heather, but you lost her.” Robert was furious as he glared at Blake. He wanted to fully direct his ire at him, but Robert stamped down on his emotions in the end.

Now that things had come to this, there wasn’t much use in getting angry. Besides, Robert was not unfamiliar with Heather’s temper; it was perfectly normal for Blake to be unable to keep up with her, but Robert was still worried that she would come to harm. Heather had been in a car accident that very morning, and they ended up arguing about it in the afternoon. Robert had only hit her out of a moment of frustration during their fight, and he regretted it once the deed was done. After all, the Moriarty Family had come fully prepared; they would end up meeting Heather sooner or later.

The Moriarty Family had yet to make their move, but the Langstons were already in a state of complete chaos. A sense of helplessness rose within Robert.

“Grandpa, Heather drove like a madwoman. I couldn’t keep up with her at all,” Blake explained wearily. In the end, the one Robert worried about was his precious granddaughter.

“It’s fine. Heather will come back,” Robert replied, feeling completely exhausted. He didn’t have the energy to care about this, for he believed that Heather was a rational lady.

Blake promptly nodded and said, “She’ll definitely come back once she has cooled her head.”

Both grandfather and grandson were close, and they didn’t have any grudges with each other. The two of them immediately assumed that Heather would come back soon lest she got into an accident.

Meanwhile, Heather had calmed down considerably after staying outside for a while. Then, she thought about Robert’s odd actions; perhaps her grandfather was hiding something. She immediately turned back and returned to the Langston Residence so that she could get the truth from him.

However, Robert was already sleeping by the time she returned home. Things weren’t adding up, for her grandfather had gone to bed when it wasn’t even dark outside yet. What was stranger was the words that Blake relayed to her from Robert.

“Grandpa said that you shouldn’t go to the Parkers tomorrow; it seems like he doesn’t want you to see them anymore.” Of course, Blake loved making things to be more than they seem.

Heather glared at Blake. She believed the first part of the message, but for the second part, she wouldn’t believe it at all unless it came straight from Robert’s own mouth.

“Why can’t I go to the Parkers’ tomorrow?” Heather asked in confusion.

“That’s because it’s Thanksgiving tomorrow! We’re going to have dinner together with the entire family, and everyone at the Parkers will be on break. Have you forgotten?” Blake asked in a smarmy manner, delighted that he had managed to fool Heather.

“Lame,” Heather said with a huff.

“Now that you’re back, let’s have dinner together,” Blake said to her.

“I’m not hungry. I’m going back to my room.” Heather simply brushed past Blake, and she looked like she wanted to be left alone.

When she returned to her room, Heather regretted it a little. She was hungry, but she decided not to eat just to prove a point. Fortunately for her, she had plenty of snacks squirreled away in her room. However, when she searched for her snacks, she didn’t find anything—all she found was a letter.

Heather opened it and she immediately wanted to cry. Could there be anything worse than this? She was hungry and wanted to eat some snacks to fill her belly, but it turned out that Robert had disposed of all her snacks, citing concern for her health.

As she read the words neatly penned on the paper, Heather had the urge to just go berserk. Staying with the Langstons was too much of a pain, and she wanted to leave this place.

After gritting her teeth in anger, Heather simply washed up before lying on her bed; she was prepared to just lie there and be lazy. At that moment, messages popped up one after another as she stared at her phone, so she picked the device up lazily.

Matthias was the one who had sent most of the messages during the sudden barrage, yet Heather was in no mood to scroll up and read all of them. Not only that, Matthias’ messages were mundane and boring, so it didn’t matter whether she replied or not.

However, Leon’s message startled her. Heather hadn’t expected for Leon to have already dug up all that information on that stalker in such a short time.

Initially, she had thought that the stalker was no one special; who would have thought that he would have such a background instead? It seemed like a waste of the stalker’s talents to make him track Myra and Tony, and it was no wonder that Tony’s hired men didn’t pick up on him. If the stalker hadn’t been discovered by chance, he would probably still be following behind Myra and Tony in silence.

Heather started a video call with Leon. “Can the average person even hire someone this top-tier?” Heather asked Leon despite knowing the answer.

Things would be better if the one who hired the stalker was Cameron, but if it was someone else they didn’t know, that would be more bothersome. After all, it would be a pain to slowly check each suspect and find the true person behind it by elimination.


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