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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 508

Now that they were in Venezuela, Myra and Tony hugged each other intimately after they finished touring Canaima National Park. Since they were staying at the presidential suite this time around, they could roll around the huge bed in any way that they liked.

When they woke up, he gently kissed her forehead as he revealed a slight smile on his face. Even though he had been quite disturbed by the stalker, he felt as though all his troubles had melted away when he hugged her in his arms.

Myra had been a light sleeper as of late. Even though it was a gentle kiss, it had woken her up. With an apologetic look on his face, Tony asked, “Did I wake you up?” Of course he wanted her to have a longer sleep.

“I’m easily woken up these days.” On top of being pregnant, the bad encounter had also made her unable to be sound asleep.

However, it was not necessarily safe for them to return to Bradfort City either. The mastermind who hired the stalker to follow them could be waiting at Bradfort City for them to return, but Tony had already spoken to his family about it.

He was worried that the attack this time was directed at the Hart Family, so he asked them to take some precautions beforehand, even though it was blatant that the Hart Family was much safer in Bradfort City, compared to Tony and Myra being in a foreign country. After all, they were not familiar with Venezuela and they did not have any friends around. It was quite a dangerous situation for them both. Hence, they had to be vigilant all the time. He was also unsure whether he should make a decision to return to Bradfort City since the stalker had merely followed them around without doing anything.

However, Tony was also worried that the stalker might attack them on their way back to Bradfort City, which made him feel conflicted. Meanwhile, Myra was also worried about it. Upon seeing how their well-planned honeymoon had come to this, he was annoyed.

“It’s the Lantern Festival today, which is a time for families to reunite.” He was quite comfortable with pinching her chubby cheeks.

“Unfortunately we are in Venezuela, which is far away from our hometown.” Myra smiled. She did not want to show her concerns because she knew that he was already worried about their current situation. She did not want him to be worried about her as well.

“There are no mooncakes here. Why don’t we make it ourselves?” Even though mooncakes were unavailable, they could make it themselves as the raw ingredients were not difficult to locate anyway.

“Good thinking.” Myra smiled again. For the past few days, Tony had been trying to cheer her up to divert her attention from the stalker.

Since they had already arrived at that decision, they quickly got out of the bed to get started on their plan. Thinking that Heather would update her anytime soon, Myra took her phone with her. Sure enough, there were a few messages from Heather.

Myra downloaded the document that Heather had just sent. When Myra opened it, Tony had also scooted over and paled after quickly skimming through it. She then shot him a glance before looking back at the document.

“I didn’t expect the mastermind, who arranged the stalker, to come from such a powerful background,” he mocked, making her wonder whether it was good or bad news.

Upon hearing that, she looked at him in worry, making him realize that what he had just blurted out frightened her.

“Don’t worry, the stalker does not pose any physical threat to us. He is only responsible for collecting information and I’m sure he won’t be attacking us.” It was actually a piece of good news that finally calmed Tony’s anxious thoughts.

He did not expect Heather to have the capabilities to investigate such a group. A few years back, he had merely heard some rumors about them.

“Why did they follow us to gather information about us? What kind of information do we possess to warrant such a great deal of effort?” Myra was confused to hear that. There were a few technical terms mentioned in the document that were quite difficult to understand, so she directly asked him.

“I have no idea, but this is the bad part. Some big guys have their eyes on us now.” Tony did not understand the secret goal of the powerful mastermind behind the stalker. He did not want to hide anything from Myra. After all, judging from her intelligence, she could get this piece of information from the document itself. It was better to let her know from the beginning so that she did not have to look it up herself.

“What about us?” She wanted to know Tony’s next step, but it seemed like he hadn’t thought about what they should do next.

“Just follow our initial plan. Once we are done with our travels, we’re heading back to Bradfort City.” He did not want to change his plans. Apart from that, the group was so formidable that they might have already known about his plans.

“I don’t even have the mood to travel anymore,” Myra complained with unease.

“We have to follow our initial plan. I assume the group already knows about our plan. If we suddenly change our plans, it would be bad if they realize that we have found out about them. At least we are still safe now, so let’s continue to pretend that we know nothing about this.” Tony voiced his opinion. He would rather go with the flow and pretend that they did not discover the stalker instead of changing their plans in a panic.

After hearing Tony’s justification, Myra nodded. Even though she was quite anxious and fearful, she was less so with him around.

“Today, our plan is to make mooncakes.” Tony recollected his composure and spoke in a happier tone.

“What fillings should we put in?” Myra asked solemnly. After all, it was a serious question.


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