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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 530

The three of them entered the private room one after another. Then, Myra and Heather eagerly started chatting with each other about the interesting events that happened during Myra’s trip. As it seemed that the two ladies were not going to place their orders any time soon, the task of ordering food fell into Tony’s hands.

Myra and Heather sat together, while Tony sat opposite them. The two ladies were so close to each other that it even made Tony a little green with envy.

“Heather, I reckon that the gifts will be delivered to you by tomorrow. Remember to check if you receive it.” When Myra was in the United States, she had packed the gifts that she bought for Heather along the way and delivered them to the Langston Residence.

“What gifts?” Heather was a little surprised as she never heard Myra mention it.

“I picked some pretty and interesting items for you during my trip.” Myra would think of her whenever she saw something she liked, and she wished to share all the good things she had with her.

“I suppose I will be receiving a large parcel tomorrow then,” Heather replied jokingly. It was somewhat unexpected and she was pleasantly surprised.

Since when did Myra like to give surprises? she thought. I guessed that she must have been unconsciously influenced by Tony. Similarly, when Heather saw something that she liked, she would think of Myra. Therefore, she had sent countless interesting trinkets to Myra when she had been abroad in the past.

Truth was, Myra seldom bought things during their trip. It turned out that all that she had bought were for Heather. Even Tony was not aware of this. He assumed that Myra bought those things because she liked them, but now that he thought about it, he realized that some of them did not seem like something she would fancy.

“Apologies for the intrusion.” After a while, the waiter served them their food.

Only then did Myra and Heather quieten. Myra darted a look at Tony, who was looking at his phone with his head bowed. He then put down his phone, which was probably because he took notice of her gaze, and raised his head before beaming at her.

Heather quietly observed their interaction. Sure enough, when couples stayed together, bachelors and bachelorettes would suffer tons of damage. The little details and interactions between Myra and Tony were so enviable that Heather, who was used to being single, couldn’t help but want to date someone just to experience the affection as well.

It was a good dining etiquette to not speak while eating, so the three of them stopped talking and began their meal with grace. Myra’s large appetite astonished Heather. While she soon had her fill, Myra had eaten twice of her portion.

When Myra finished her meal, she wiped her mouth with a napkin. Under Heather and Tony’s watchful eyes, she was too abashed to eat anymore. Although Tony was glad to see her with such a good appetite, Heather had something else in mind.

After that, they left in a car. Myra sat in the backseat together with Heather, while Tony took the wheel. During their journey, Heather whispered in Myra’s ear, “Myra, do you eat that much every meal?”

Myra did not expect Heather to bring this up, but she nodded, and Heather worriedly advised her, “You should control your appetite. It would be difficult to deliver a big baby.”

In fact, this was the main reason for the mushrooming of cesarean delivery. If the baby obtained an exceedingly large amount of nutrients and grew too big, it would make normal delivery impossible.

Myra twiddled her fingers as she thought, This is so embarrassing. If Heather finds out that my appetite is actually larger than that, it might give her a fright.

“Okay, I will try my best to control it.” Myra had long wanted to control her ‘catastrophic’ appetite, but Tony, the true culprit behind all this, kept coaxing her to eat more.

When Tony saw in the rear mirror that the two of them were whispering among themselves, it aroused his curiosity and made him wonder what they were talking about.

Their voices were as soft as a mosquito’s humming, but he saw that Myra’s expression kept changing, making him even more curious about their conversation. However, to him, it was more important to drive carefully as they were approaching an area with a high accident rate.

“Speaking of which, you guys seemed to have traveled to many places during your honeymoon trip. Are you exhausted?” Heather asked in concern.

Myra shook her head. She was still mentally excited; the half-a-day flight did not affect her and she was not sleepy at all.

“Jet lag is a problem now.” They departed from Boston in the morning, but it was still daytime when they returned to Bradfort City. They were supposed to be in bed by now, but they had just taken their lunch earlier.

“I had jet lag for a couple of days when I returned from Italy. I couldn’t sleep well because of it.” It reminded Heather of how she felt when she had just returned to the country.

“I’ll be tired if I don’t sleep well, and it won’t do any good to my baby,” Myra replied worriedly.

“Then, you should stay up in the afternoon and hang on until nighttime. You will surely have a good night’s sleep by then.” That day when Heather returned, she had washed up and gone to bed upon arriving at the Langston Residence. She had then slept till the next morning, which caused her a hard time falling asleep the following night.

“I planned to do so.” Myra had the same thought as well.

“I will keep you company in the afternoon since I don’t have work.” Heather offered to accompany her.


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